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Thialase t1_ivvw138 wrote

What would you have people do? Just not give a damn?
People have to pick their fights.

Imagine being angry at all the injustice in the world. You'd never find peace, eternally angry. There is always something horrible happening somewhere else. Should we just become jaded and callous, like you seem to be?


Tato7069 t1_ivvwl6l wrote

Imagine being angry at someone for watching a soccer game. All the bad things in the world, and the one thing you have as an escape is soccer, now you have people saying you're a piece of shit for enjoying your escape.


Thialase t1_ivvxwhw wrote

>Imagine being angry at someone for watching a soccer game

Did I ever say I was angry at other people for watching a soccer match? No. I was responding to your post, which was basically "if you dare be angry at THIS injustice, then you have to be angry at THIS OTHER THING as well"

I'm well aware people have their various means of escapism. It's just about not supporting it this one time, since it's being held in qatar. Not every single time.

Let's use partying as an example. If you enjoy partying, cool. Good for you. But maybe you could skip that one private party at the house of that one guy who beat his wife and send her to the hospital?