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Teimy t1_ivxw8nf wrote

If it was illegal substances surely he would have I dunno had it pre mixed or gone for a piss and done it then? Probably just a brand that isnt paying him. Nothing to see here


thinkfast1982 t1_ivx17w5 wrote

The worst part of the whole thing is he doesn't even say "thank you."


Cheel_AU t1_ivx9974 wrote

'Nobody must know the secret ingredient is bovril...'


patchinthebox t1_ivyg1n6 wrote

Dudes out there drinking gfuel and doesn't want anyone to know.


Perpyderpy t1_ivxn1gc wrote

Hey guys it's going viral they said! We should really watch and form opinions and argue, oooo when can we start?


Attygalle t1_ivy0dl5 wrote

I don’t like Djokovic but surely, if he was doing something illegal, they wouldn’t do it so openly?


chum_slice t1_iw008ea wrote

What do you mean it’s best way to do something illegal


tehpwarp t1_ivx02wp wrote

The comments on the twitter thread are quite interesting. OP asks to pay close attention to the guy in the green jacket.

Personally, I think all top athletes dope in some way or the other. And they and their handlers know how to jump through the loopholes.


Heres_your_sign t1_iw1j9ko wrote

The substance he took will not show up on an existing test. He has had an existing PED tweaked just enough to where it still provides the benefits without being detected.

There are entire companies dedicated to PEDs and modifying them. Unless the doping agencies can obtain a reference sample of what he took, he will never be discovered.


1buzer t1_ivxw6zq wrote

Maybe he’s getting liquored up for the match. What’s wrong with that?


Acherstrom t1_ivy7peb wrote

Yes. Drinking is just horrible. Oh my god!!! People will complain about anything. Get a grip.
