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WickedSlice_ t1_iw4zfxj wrote

It is an inferior product, if it was a better product it would be more popular than league.

On top of that, how a Union fan can say that league is more boring than Union is nuts to me.


Zakkar t1_iw4zy5q wrote

Well then league is an inferior product, because it's internationally much less popular.

I find league really boring, struggle to get through 10 mins. But I don't go on Reddit threads about league to go on and on about it.


itsalonghotsummer t1_iw528eb wrote

>It is an inferior product, if it was a better product it would be more popular than league.


You do realise union dwarfs league globally?

(And football dwarfs union.)


Nicholarse_Angle t1_iwfpozo wrote

Yeah, Union is played by almost every country in the world, League is only played by a handfull of countries.


WickedSlice_ t1_iw55ikr wrote

Yes, I do. Except in Australia, it is a shit product and the organisation is terrible.


tobymurphy24 t1_iw5hrh5 wrote

How about doing some research into the history of the organisations before saying stuff like this. League is more popular than union because the working class of the early 1900s wanted to get paid for sport and league was the sport that came in and paid them. Along to this union lost a lot of its players after WWI and ever since league has dominated union. Now union pays players, so I don't see how it has anything to do with this


stogie_t t1_iw50wcc wrote

Only place where League is more popular than Union is in Australia cause they suck at Union lmao. By your logic League is the inferior product.


WickedSlice_ t1_iw55od0 wrote

It’s not because they suck at Union, it is because league has a long storied history in Australia.


Ingr1d t1_iw58ube wrote

You literally just disproved your own inferior product claim.


zboyzzzz t1_iw55y8g wrote

Literally only 2 out of 6 states in Australia


bigloudbang t1_iw59q5v wrote

Worth noting that half of Australias population lives in those 2 states


hazardous_situation t1_iw5i2cn wrote

I'd hazard a guess and say Union isn't more popular than League in any state, and League is probs only the third most popular sport in the country behind cricket and Aussie Rules.


Zakkar t1_iw5x28m wrote

No, union is definitely more popular than league in Western Australia, and by players numbers is more popular vs the rest of the AFL states. Minuscule compared to Aussie rules though.


bigloudbang t1_iw5kiio wrote

Cricket isnt usually in the convo as its a summer sport. But yeah AFL is larger, league 2. I dont think the gap is as large as people think though

Union is a distant afterthought


hazardous_situation t1_iw5lpzw wrote

Yeah, being from Brissy I'll hear about the Broncos, Lions, Heat and even the Roar, 1000x more often than I'll ever hear anyone mentioning the Reds or whoever the Union team is lmao


zboyzzzz t1_iwft7pj wrote

I reckon union's more popular in every state except those 2. Doesn't mean it's popular overall, just *more. * Other states have a general disdain for league but respect union. Purely anecdotal of course, couldn't find any stats