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Dangeresque2015 t1_iw8pn61 wrote

There are two sides offense and defense alternately. Each side fields 11 players. The offense has 4 chances to make 10 yards. if they make it 10 yards, they get another 4 chances to make it 10 yards. If the offense doesn't make it in 3 times, they will punt the ball or try to kick a field goal (kick it through the bright yellow uprights.) But these days a lot of teams will try on 4th. As soon as the ball crosses the orange pylons on the goal line, that's a touchdown, which is worth 6 points. Then the kicker will go for the Point After Try or PAT, for one point. Field.goals.are worth 3. Time is a huge factor. Each team has 3 timeouts per half. These will stop the.clock. I could write an essay about this but those are the basics. Don't get me started on the strange way they call penalties on offense and defense. Just watch a game and you'll see what I mean. Have a good day, this wasn't meant sarcastically. I just didn't understand Cricket