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KanyeWestBrick t1_iwd3t9i wrote

Damn. Seems very targeted. Apparently there was also a previous hazing incident possibly involving the shooter. I read that on ESPN. Not speculating.


ReverendRoberts t1_iwcx4f1 wrote

It's a shame to see this in r/sports.


Doonesbury t1_iwd0ylh wrote

Why this subreddit specifically?


ReverendRoberts t1_iwd4a94 wrote

Because you don't usually hear about this type of thing happening on sports teams. What's with all of the downvotes?


amzenor t1_iwd7jjm wrote

It reads like you don’t think Sports should have posts about it


TexterMorgan t1_iwd73e4 wrote

Probably because your comment could lead one to infer you’re saying it sucks this happened within the sports world but it’d be okay if it happened elsewhere


EasternMotors t1_iwd8i3a wrote

Which play were they seeing in Washington DC?


GaryBusey007 t1_iwd73lj wrote

Is this another "thug culture" homicide?


stench_montana t1_iwd7dfn wrote

What's that mean?


GaryBusey007 t1_iwd7q7k wrote

I am sure that everyone says the three dead players are victims......but what did they do to the assailant to deserve a targeted hit?


huntimir151 t1_iwd8b3q wrote

Is this race baiting? It smells kinda like race baiting...

Assuming you are asking in good faith, the three players did not likely do anything worth being shot to death over. If that's what you are implying. People kill each other over stupid shit.


GaryBusey007 t1_iwd9100 wrote

Why is this race baiting? Why are you bringing race into this?


huntimir151 t1_iwd9h3g wrote

Sorry if I misread, the "thug culture" comment can be used in good faith but can also be a euphemism for "black person involvement."


GaryBusey007 t1_iwd9w4a wrote

Oh. Thug as in three versus 1 and then the 1 retaliates.


frisbeescientist t1_iwdjq21 wrote

Are you from outside the US? Otherwise you might be the only person in the country who sees a shooting, says something about "thugs" and doesn't see the racial implications lol


[deleted] t1_iwdm56s wrote

I'm canadian but yeah it's pretty american to take a word that has means nothing racially and make it racial.


bigheartbiggerdick97 t1_iwesf2r wrote

Thug is often used as a racist dogwhistle in the US, this isn't something unique to this comment section.


komerchant t1_iwfxayb wrote

Never knew the word thug had racial connotations lol


YawnDogg t1_iwha6zs wrote

In the US media when a group of minority teens do something they are thugs. When white teens do something they are “troubled youths” that’s the dog whistle in a nutshell


[deleted] t1_iwetd7r wrote

yeah exactly. that's why i said its an american thing to do.


bigheartbiggerdick97 t1_iweuasj wrote

I'm sure no one else ever does this...


[deleted] t1_iwexxzk wrote

regardless, i think we can find common ground in the fact that thugs come in all colors.


[deleted] t1_iwhc8zw wrote

Someone explain why this was downvoted lmao.