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5m1tm t1_iwr2qym wrote

I really hope I'm wrong, but this venture seems doomed from the start. They just haven't done enough at the grassroots level to attract mainstream attention. Just catering to South Asian and Caribbean immigrants isn't enough. They would've joined anyway lol. And they're a very slim minority in the US. Plus, MLC's and USA Cricket's marketing sucks as well. Also, 2 seasons of Minor League Cricket (MiLC) have already taken place and even at that time, they didn't do enough to attract white/black/latinx Americans (and their kids) even at the grassroots level, nor did they do a good job advertising any of this.

I'm saying all this as a hardcore cricket fan. Realistically speaking, this seems doomed from the beginning. I hope I'm wrong, but that's just how it's looking right now.