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ThisNameIsFree t1_ix719ol wrote

Is the US using foreign indentured labor to build its facilities?


cambuulo t1_ix78hzp wrote

You have a point. I mean, they do it for their chocolate, coffee, iPhones, laptops, clothing and many more but they sure don’t do it for their stadiums


ThisNameIsFree t1_ix78uyv wrote

Sure. Now those ones are true of every country in the world, so best just go and live in the wilderness and not participate in any modern activities whatsoever. In fact, if you're going to grandstand on those, you should probably get rid of your own phone/laptop/whatever you're using to read this.


cambuulo t1_ix9co1x wrote

The global structures upholding this paradigm are overwhelmingly western. The most imperial and intolerant actions of the last few decades have been the numerous wars in the Middle East. Also the highest death toll. If you’re not gonna be consistent in action, which i agree it’s impossible to boycott everything, be consistent in your criticism.


ThisNameIsFree t1_ixaf53y wrote

I agree with all that, but the specific criticism level led here was about indentured labor making the buildings for the world cup. It's not inconsistent to be OK with other world cups if that's your specific concern and reason for boycotting.


cambuulo t1_ixaz2bz wrote

The criticism may be specific but the narrative isn’t. There is a clear separation between politics and sports when china hosted the olympics, when Russia hosted the WC and there likely will be when the US hosts it next. The BBC didn’t even show the opening ceremony in an attempt at a virtue signalling protest