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Tborg42 t1_ixnvvb1 wrote

  1. I am not sure if you’re trolling or seriously just not understanding. I don’t expect them to do anything actively. The exact opposite. I am giving up watching, as for many others. That’s our “passive” protests, and voting with our wallets. I am simply saying that the same should apply to players. It’s obviously their choice, and they shouldn’t be forced on anyone. But not travelling to a backward country isn’t really a “sacrifice”

  2. of course it matters. Never said it was a “whatever”-event for anyone. Just said it isn’t a once in a lifetime opportunity for any of the European or South American teams. That none of the players will be needing for anything for skipping out one playoff. It’s a prestige project, not anything existential. People have literally lit themselves on fire in that part of the world in an attempt to gain rights. Let’s not call not playing football for 4 weeks a sacrifice, no matter the trophy they are competing for

  3. (as I forgot to reply to that last time) adding value matters tremendously. If I started sending money to Al-Queda, wouldn’t people be right to criticise (and imprison me)? Or should I be completely exonerated because nobody was spending their weekends demonstrating, so they aren’t better than me, even though I actively supported a terrorist organisation?


UnoSadPeanut t1_ixofbxb wrote

I'm not sure what to say at this point. You live in your own world. Best of luck to you.