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schu4KSU t1_ixjim2t wrote

I would love to have this cultural aspect in America. Disgusting to leave trash behind for others to clean up.

Reminds me of the Mad Men episode where the family goes out for a picnic in nature and, when finished, shake out the picnic blanket scattering their trash and then walk away from it. Been this way for some time was the message to the viewer.


TizonaBlu t1_ixk731s wrote

That unfortunately impossible. That’s just not how American culture is like. As a New Yorker, I literally see half eaten pizza, bagels, and crap on the street every day. New trains get graffitied or worse yet just carved with keys within a month.

We just have to accept this is the way our culture is.


calaeno0824 t1_ixndtzb wrote

this is not entirely a culture thing. It is also an education thing...

just 20 or so years ago, Taiwan was very much like U.S, trash thrown everywhere, on the ground and such. And to be fair, there are still people who do these crappy thing, but it is so much better now.

I remember walking in the local market with litters on the side walk back when I was a kid. And I don't see them as much anymore just last month I went back to visit.

It might take time, but once you teach a generation, they will set example for the next, and it will become the norm.


FlotsamOfThe4Winds t1_ixsfye1 wrote

>We just have to accept this is the way our culture is.

Culture can change. The homophobia of the 1990's and even 2000's is completely unthinkable today, and it's not inconceivable that littering, graffiti and stuff of that nature could be like that in 10-20 years time.


PocketDog t1_ixlmy61 wrote

Japanese culture is centred on shame. America's is fear. To change that would be to change how people think, fundamentally, at every level. That's not something which can be organized deliberately


Cine11 t1_ixmnims wrote

Given that Americans have no sense of shame it would literally take centuries.


BasicallyAQueer t1_ixminye wrote

Or every single music festival. I love the “nature” themed ones where people camp out, with generators running and trash fucking everywhere. Very natural, I love the native Coors light can piles.


[deleted] t1_ixmdlb6 wrote



Cam501 t1_ixnpey9 wrote

Lol look at you making sure there's job security for them. I bet you think trickle down economics actually works too