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seattlesportsguy t1_iyg25nr wrote

I feel for her. I do. But you gotta be smarter than committing a crime in a country that absolutely wants to stick it to the USA. Russia was looking for something to use as leverage against the USA and Griner handed it to them on a silver platter. There wasn’t a chance in hell that they wouldn’t throw the book at her


mongoloid_fabienne t1_iygb7cj wrote

Honestly it’s not even about a country wanting to stick it to the USA. You are responsible for being aware of laws in countries you visit.


Cobra4 t1_iygbmpr wrote

Perfectly said. I'm so tired of hearing about her and the conditions they have her in.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_iyfv7zd wrote

Why is Russia wasting her in prison instead of making her play basketball for their benefit?


MrBig562 t1_iyg8av7 wrote

A little harsh on the penalty but you can’t fuck around and find out in other countries. You are not exempt from their laws. You’re not special. Nor am i or you.

From what i read, she purposely tried to smuggle/sneak it in. Had it hidden in some amazon package. Taped up tightly.

Sounds like it is not her first time doing it and finally got caught.

Smh people need to understand that once you leave america, a lot of places aren’t like it. Prison time for simple shit here that isn’t illegal.

Here you can scream fuck trump/biden out in public and not be arrested. Do it in china or russia, you’ll be jailed.


urbanek2525 t1_iyg0wqd wrote

As opposed to the slavery like conditions in American prisons? She absolutely doesn't deserve to be there, but that's the story of a lot of "drug" convictions in the US too.

Ugly, ugly mirror nobody wants to look into.


[deleted] t1_iyfxd9i wrote



Fearless-Past9652 t1_iyg86i5 wrote

The is one of the most callous things I've read on here in a while. Why are you this way? It's not normal, cool, or good in any way. I hope you get the help you need.


JasonVanJason t1_iyg8ui7 wrote

There are thousands of people sitting in our jails for the same crime she committed, keep that same energy with them.


[deleted] t1_iyfx6bu wrote



Evilsushione t1_iyfuaqe wrote

I feel bad for this woman, I wish there was more we could do. She didn't deserve this.


nazerall t1_iyfxq5h wrote

Concentrates are a felony in Texas. I think it should be legal everywhere.

But seems she should have been more careful doing that shit in a place like Russia.


[deleted] t1_iyfwgoe wrote



skrong_quik_register t1_iyg26uv wrote

You say this with a pompous, entitled air. (sound familiar)

Uh, because even though she admittedly did something wrong the penalty she is paying is absolutely not commensurate with the crime. 9 years of hard labor and torture for a vape cartridge. Maybe that’s why you should feel bad about her situation. Something a claimed “compassionate human” would do.

What’s funny is you are so damn holier than thou, even though apparently what’s legal and isn’t legal doesn’t even matter to you. You complain when people legally do things as well. So according to you people need to be punished even when they don’t break the law.

But of course you claim to be a “compassionate human being”. Really, thinking we shouldn’t feel bad about someone getting a 9 year tortuous prison sentence for something that literally harmed no one and was easily a stupid mistake? That’s compassionate?

No, you are a holier than thou asshole who apparently only has compassion when it suits you. It’s people like you that we have extremely excessive penalties for minor crimes because you think “they deserve what they get” no matter how small the offense is and how harsh the penalty. You’re not compassionate, you are hypocritical scumbag who probably thinks all the shit you do wrong is fine because “you don’t understand, it’s different”.

You are either NOT a very compassionate human being and just an asshole, or you are just racist.

> You say this with a pompous, entitled air. You don’t find it at all troubling that a CEO (let alone the CEO of a pharmaceutical company during the most profitable pandemic in any of our lives) can make bold unsubstantiated claims about a drug and then immediately sell off stocks to profit directly from those claims? Yet your only point is that he followed the rules of buying and selling stocks? If so, god help us all. Because I, as a compassionate human being, find something fundamentally wrong.


Defy19 t1_iyg3tet wrote

You make it sound like she was smuggling drugs. This was prescribed cannabis oil. If it’s not a legal medication in that country then confiscate it and maybe a fine at the very worse.

Don’t pretend that 9 years hard labour is in any way acceptable.
