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PlutoTheGod t1_iylhh65 wrote

Everyone says that so much that it’s become a thing, but that’s not really how CTE works. I’d say the real reason for it is 1) major ego & 2) he definitely has some sort of bipolar type mental illness going on that’s been left undiagnosed and dismissed for many years because of his football status but now it’s gotten to a point where it’s become a serious problem.


SafeToPost t1_iymfomm wrote

I mean, all of Chris Benoit’s friends and colleagues were singing his praises about the kind of loving family man he was until they learned he had murdered his family before killing himself.
Going from Diva to Psychopath doesn’t feel entirely out of the question for repeated brain damage.


Kryavan t1_iymxc2x wrote

I'm also pretty sure that all the studies done on CTE show there is a significant change in behavior after the injury.