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AbeLincoln30 t1_iyw9p08 wrote

TLDR: the letter said "let he without sexual misconduct allegations cast the first stone"


Ilikepancakes87 t1_iyw3tz9 wrote

The argument of “you were a shitty organization before when it came to crimes against women, so you still need to be one now” is not a strong one, in my opinion.


sopsign7 t1_iyw8kbu wrote

Huh. "Either stop being shitty entirely, or continue being exactly as shitty as before" was a successful negotiating tactic and the basis of a compromise. I mean ... alright.


PrivateIsotope t1_iyw7w6g wrote

It kinda sounds like it is, legally. Hammering one guy when everyone else skates seems unfair, from a legal perspective, not exactly a moral perspective.


bryanna_leigh t1_iyw9ydd wrote

Yeah fuck this guy!!! Such bullshit! I hope the Browns continue to do shitty!


Total_Time t1_iyw7pbp wrote

Why did you use quotation marks? I ask, because there was an expletive. I looked and did not find the words you quote in the SI article


scrabapple t1_iyw9aeu wrote

He was paraphrasing


gerund or present participle: paraphrasing

express the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.

"you can either quote or paraphrase literary texts"


awfuckthisshit t1_iywavzx wrote

This suspension will forever baffle me. I could have understood both outcomes on the other ends of the spectrum, but not 11 games. Suspending him at least a year if not for good made sense if they believed he was guilty. They could have not suspended him at all since he was never charged with anything and you have to treat him as not-guilty if the courts did. Suspending him for 11 games means they believe he is guilty and that somehow they think all that is only worth 11 games. It makes zero sense.


Jpalin6 t1_iywc7i7 wrote

The Cleveland Browns franchise QB is a sexual predator. He refuses to admit any fault but settled with almost all of them. What a a pathetic excuse for a man. A man who is supposedly a god fearing Christian. The NFL has always been a metaphor for life. If you’re rich and talented you can get away with anything.


Automatic_Scholar686 t1_iyw7k5d wrote

My guess is it’s money based? Just a shot in the dark…


Evil_Knot t1_iywba8u wrote

Dear NFL fans,



Roger Goodell


sketchahedron t1_iywalmb wrote

I hope he gets booed mercilessly every time he takes the football field for the rest of his career.


[deleted] t1_iyw1q2r wrote



[deleted] t1_iyw21b9 wrote



TubalCain85 t1_iywcst7 wrote

Because money. Why the fuck else?!


RandyJohnsonsBird t1_iyw8tw2 wrote

That's just weird that they're going


thor561 t1_iyw98n4 wrote

Yeah, I mean if he eats shit the entire game and they lose it might be cathartic, but if he throws for 300+ yards and 4 touchdowns it probably isn’t gonna feel so great.


aaronjaymus t1_iywb4wa wrote

They're going to garner attention. It's to remind viewers that despite DW receiving snaps, it doesn't undo what was done, and people shouldn't forget.


davetonight t1_iywavx4 wrote

not to mention there is definitely going to be chants regarding Watson's actions which could be traumatic for the victims


ESCMalfunction t1_iywasur wrote

It’s not really meant to do anything, it’s just publicity to help keep the case in the news.


GetEmDaddy902 t1_iywawx7 wrote

Find it funny only came out after he requested a trade and said he wouldn't play for them, seems like they were bitter and wanted to ruin his name nothing more they were enablers off it while he was aon good terms tho. They could care less about the "victims"


Hehwoeatsgods t1_iywa77c wrote

Still using him in fantasy


Kylel0519 t1_iywdcgv wrote

I hope he throws incompletes and interceptions the entire game