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IIIllllIIlllIIlllIIl t1_izfks11 wrote

That’s the thing. It doesn’t even look good. This is why Democrats can’t keep office. They keep doing stupid shit that the Republicans, who are exponentially stupider, can use to get elected.


bananatruck7 t1_izfvmwk wrote

The problem is smart people are smart enough to not want anything to do with politics


IIIllllIIlllIIlllIIl t1_izfw6mp wrote

Agreed. And also smart people tend to overestimate their grasp on the consequences of a political decision. Nobody is saying “well it’s complicated and neither party has a good handle on how to fix it”. They all just spout off what they’d do as if that would be the end of it.


cujukenmari t1_izh0omm wrote

This type of shit is just ammo for dumb internet arguments for republicans. If you're voting for the likes of Trump, Herschel Walker, MTG or any of the other Republican loonies and misfits of which there are hundreds in politics now, nothing's going to change their mind.


Riverwalker12 t1_izg6a7s wrote

The problem is, is there are too many stupid people who either believe the lies, or are willing to accept them to get what they want