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ibrazeous t1_izought wrote

With how far they have come, it's obvious they are wetting their shirts and giving their all to the country. Maybe not born there, but very much culturally Moroccan as the diaspora abroad keeps the traditions and links to the old country


Angelusflos t1_izskbjh wrote

Ziyech doesn't speak a word of Arabic. He only speaks Dutch and English.


ibrazeous t1_izszegr wrote

Not sure what point you are trying to make. But none of us are an authority on how a person can identify culturally. He did choose to represent Morocco, he likely shares a significant number of cultural values picked from home regardless of what language he uses. At the end of the day, only he can say what he feels is his cultural identity.


Angelusflos t1_izt7onr wrote

Pretty hard to be Moroccan when he wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone there unless they spoke Dutch or English. Looks to me like his identity is reactionary based on being a minority in a mostly white nation.


Knitaddicttt t1_j02qb39 wrote

I love this! 😆 So here's a lesson to enlighten your ignorant ass: when Ziyech asks for translation when reporters ask him in Arabic, it's because they're speaking MSA (Modern standard Arabic) , not Darija (Moroccan Arabic). MSA is taught at schools in Morocco and you find it in official documents but we don't speak it, we speak Darija our dialect and there are many regions in the country where Amazigh is spoken. He does speak some Darija and he also speaks Amazigh which is the language he grew up with at home since his family is from North east Morocco and of Amazigh origin.


Angelusflos t1_j02qfke wrote

He literally only speaks Dutch and English. You're the one who is ignorant. His father was also born and raised in Holland.


Knitaddicttt t1_j02uvrp wrote

Ironically his father is buried in Morocco. They don't even feel Dutch enough to be buried in the country and would rather be be buried home despite the huge expenses that entails.


Angelusflos t1_j02yv2y wrote

I honestly don't care. Ziyech still doesn't speak Arabic.
