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Daratirek t1_j0omquo wrote

Refs have been doing that for years. It's why I stopped watching the NFL. They pick favorites and the Vikings ain't a favorite.


Kolzig33189 t1_j0pcehw wrote

I do think nfl refs are FAR more competent than nba and mlb in terms of usually not affecting the game as much. Yeah there are occasional bad holding calls or PI that should or should not have been called, but this was the first game in recent memory where it honestly seemed like a fix was in.

And for what it’s worth, I’m a giants fan, I had no stake in this game whatsoever.


Daratirek t1_j0pgl2h wrote

I agree. Normally they don't swing much but over the years I've noticed a bunch of games that swing in 1 teams favor with the refs. Like the Superbowl last year for the Rams. No live ball fouls until 60ish seconds left in the game then the rams get 4 on 3rd or 4th down to extend the drive? Coincidence I'm sure.... I have some more Vikings examples but I'm biased and could definitely be exaggerating in my head. I don't think the NFL sways every game but it's pretty clear they occasionally do.