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TylerDurden626 t1_j1ce6hs wrote

I mean the suspension was pretty ridiculous. The court of MLB is the the only one that hasn’t acquitted him.


the_fickle_pickle t1_j1s82dr wrote

Feel free to absolve him of choking someone unconscious and continuing to have sex with her if you want, but she's still suing him and his motion to dismiss was denied.


TylerDurden626 t1_j1t08dy wrote

Hopefully Justice is done but for MLB to stand on their high horse like this is ridiculous. This is the same organization that shoots up kids with steroids in South America. They suspended him for this long because he’s the only good player acknowledging that pro baseball is boring, not because they care about domestic violence


Working_History7335 t1_j1h1aul wrote

Wow they finally allowed this guy to play? Wonder how his performance will be


HarlesD t1_j1env7h wrote

Bauer conducts himself like an ass. Best thing Baseball can do is forget about him.


yeezybuckets t1_j1bble1 wrote

I hope he learned to speak Japanese during his time off, because that’s what league he’s headed to.


Pillens_burknerkorv t1_j1bfuoa wrote

My Instagram feed has decided to tell mr he’s doing great against High Scool kids. Maybe he can get signed as a triple A P.E?


slowburnangry t1_j1bettv wrote

Let's see who's desperate or stupid enough to sign him.
