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JK_NC t1_j2ke4fy wrote

My understanding is that it applies light pressure to the jugular pushing more blood to the brain. The idea is that the additional blood increases the size of the brain and reduces the space between the brain and skull. By reducing the space between the brain and skull, you reduce the room that the brain can move and take damage.

This was supposed to be inspired by woodpeckers who can take repeated jarring blows to their head while not suffering the same kind of damage that human brains suffer.

This is the same tech that Luke Kuechly from the Carolina Panthers wore. He started wearing it after a bad concussion. He did suffer from subsequent concussions that eventually ended his career prematurely.

I also saw an article earlier this year, completely unrelated to the Q-collar, that indicated our understanding of woodpeckers and their brain saving mechanisms was incorrect.

Anyway, it sounded like an innovative tech like 6 years ago. I haven’t seen or heard much about it since but I believe Kuechly is still publicly supportive of the tech and has stated that he believes it extended his career.