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tkp14 t1_j2u0thq wrote

A couple of years ago I contracted a norovirus which was extremely unpleasant and causes a person to violently expel from both ends. (Such a charming experience.) I ended up being taken to the ER because the expelling would just not stop. They put in an IV to re-hydrate me and to give me antiemetic drugs. They also put in a nasogastric tube - a very thin, soft tube that goes in through the nose, down the throat, and into the stomach. They were concerned that the uncontrollable vomiting might start up again and suffocate me. The tube had to remain in for 24 hours, though I’ve read that often patients have to endure it for a lot longer. And “endure” is the right word. That skinny little tube hurt like a bitch. It put the whole “get Covid and wind up on a ventilator” in perspective. I cannot begin to imagine how awful a ventilator feels.