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NFLfan72 t1_j2we8s1 wrote

I heard yesterday he went nine minutes without breathing. Now I think I heard this from someone on Twitter.. it was read to me on the golf course. So could be bullshit. However, if he went nine minutes without breathing, the outcome will be very poor.

But think about the actual incident. an NFL player dying on the field is very far from the staffs mind. He falls, its takes a bit to rush out to se him. They ask him questions.. no response. Probably then thinking he is knocked out. Realizing he is not breathing with a helmet on isn't possible... so taking his helmet off after realizing something bigger could be wrong. Then finding out he is not breathing which in the loud ass stadium, surely some wind.. all of this is harder. Then to realize shit, this kid is dying and reacting. Then with all the equipment on him. It just seems like this kid could have gone a while with no oxygen which is a huge deal for the brain.


hughheffres t1_j2x5res wrote

The people on the field are top of the line medical professionals. This isn’t some high school trainer fresh out of college. Crazy you’d think the guys in the sideline would be that clueless when this is their jobs. They knew damn well the situation the second they saw him.


NFLfan72 t1_j2xhg0n wrote

I would strongly disagree. When was the last time a player went in cardiac arrest on the field? Compared to the last concussion? There was 100% a period of them trying to figure this out.. as it was unprecedented. Those seconds are insanely valuable. Hoping for the best for this kid but also being a realist. Its not good.
