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jerschneid t1_j2uealt wrote

Why did he go for double 8 at the end instead of single 16?


Difficult-Speech-270 t1_j2ul797 wrote

As was mentioned, you need to finish on a double OR with the bullseye.


IWearACharizardHat t1_j2us29m wrote

Are the triples harder to hit than a bullseye? I kind of wish the optimum strategy was to always go for the bullseye, though I understand there isn't room for that many darts if they both need to keep throwing at it


irze t1_j2w0q9w wrote

Just to add to what others have said, the bullseye can be a bit risky to go for at times. Because it’s in the centre of the board, you can effectively accidentally hit any single number, which can fuck up your out-shot and make it more awkward to check out. You’ll often see them give up a chance to finish with a bullseye if the other player is far enough behind for this exact reason


IWearACharizardHat t1_j2w1e6j wrote

Right so basically the bullseye requires more skill than the other spots that are targeted. Disappointing. A variation with darts closer to classic archery arrows where you could physically split the opponent's to steal a bullseye would be much more entertaining to watch even if actually designing them that way for home usage isn't rational.


Certs t1_j2wy2zr wrote

> Right so basically the bullseye requires more skill than the other spots that are targeted.

I don't think you're looking at it the right way. Sure, the bullseye is smaller and harder to hit, but I wouldn't say it requires more skill. Imagine archery, but the bullseye moves all around the board. That's what this game is. You see them aiming for triple 20 most of the time, but you can't win there. You have to then hit the triple 19, then the triple 12, or if you miss you have to hit different numbers all over the board. If you're just focusing on the bullseye it's much easier to adjust when you're off, but you can't adjust to hitting the double 16 if you haven't thrown there yet.

The dart game Cricket has more emphasis on the bullseye, because you are required to hit it to win, but even that game forces you to hit other numbers as well.


aflickering t1_j2wu3v9 wrote

there are still plenty of bullseyes hit in darts though, and a lot of the biggest checkouts require you to finish on it, it’s not like players can just avoid it consistently. i actually think if they were constantly aiming at it at the end of every leg it’d take away from the thrill of when it does get hit.


zxnoregretzxzx t1_j2uxwys wrote

The trebles have a bigger surface area than the bullseye, so they're easier to hit with more space for your three darts, while also being worth more in the case of T17-T20. In soft tip darts (played on dartboards with holes in them) players usually aim exclusively for the bullseye as both the inner and outer part are worth 50 points (rather than 50 for the inner and 25 for the outer) and therefore has a bigger surface area, allowing for more consistent scoring and less risk than going the trebles.


SensationalM t1_j2v106k wrote

there are soft tip dartboards with single and double corks though