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JK_Chan t1_j366hh4 wrote

Yes I've clarified that stuff can happen after the meeting, but I could care less about that. That has nothing to do with my bar. My bar (and the WTA's bar) is for them to meet, which for one reason or another, is not possible. (Also people who got arrested after public appearances has nothing to do with this, all I listed were people who dissappeared and then reappeared in China without the required legal documents to pass through immigration. Such cases has no correlation to my bar, but were rather used to show you that they have resonable reason to suspect that there is foul play.)

All of my points here are just to tell you that the presentation of confirmation does not mean that you have to believe such confirmation. There is no contradiction by WTA. I am not commenting on the case since I have no clue what actually happened.


feeltheslipstream t1_j366ngf wrote

Your argument is based on the poorly defined idea that a confirmation isn't a confirmation. Which leaves me scratching my head.

There's a difference between saying "I've received some information" and "I've received confirmation. You're saying they are the same thing. Which they are not.

If you say you received confirmation, it means you believe it confirms the information you got.


JK_Chan t1_j367tni wrote

Yet again, a bank can send you confirmation that your money is with them, but if you can't access the money and you heard that a theft has occured, you could reasonably doubt that the given confirmation is correct.


feeltheslipstream t1_j3689p1 wrote

>but if you can't access the money

video call. She's available to talk to you(well, not you...but people more important than you)

>you heard that a theft has occured

You've heard nothing to indicate she's been detained. All you have are "they could if they wanted to"


JK_Chan t1_j3694i9 wrote

Yes I heard nothing to indicate that she's been detained. However, she has disappeared for a period of time and the WTA isn't able to meet her. Sure the WTA ain't a big organization, but it's big enough that meeting her shouldn't be a problem, so when they have a problem with arranging a meeting right after her brief dissappearance, there's enough to indicate there might be something going on behing the scenes. I mean yes they got a video call but it was a controlled one, and as I raised before, videos are often unreliable as confirmations.


feeltheslipstream t1_j369wsv wrote

There's also been private meetings, not just video calls. And just not with the WTA. WTA also didn't get even a video call. The IOC has been the ones in contact, along with a couple of interviews for the media (some non Chinese).

Video calls are just the only ones we, the public, get to witness.

I think a lot of context is lost when people read the truncated/translated version of the post that started this. Reading it in Chinese, it is 90% a love letter and 10% details of the man using his power to get the girl.

The post has bad timing to be caught in the middle of the me too movement, but sexual assault/abuse is not really the point of the post.

There's no reason for anyone (or the ccp) to think it was intended as an accusation of crime. Why would there be a need to silence her?


JK_Chan t1_j36cint wrote

Oh the IOC is corruption at it's finiest, just like FIFA and the NBA. If the confirmation came from them then yea I wouldn't trust them either. Im not here to argue about or comment on about what happened though, I don't know enough. Im just here to say that the WTA did not contradict themselves.

As you said, the WTA did not even get a video call from her let alone a meeting, I can definitely see how they can be suspicious of the confirmation they were sent.

As to why the ccp might want to silence her, the ccp tried to silence the news of COVID within China for quite a while before the global outbreak. I don't see why they would want to do that instead of getting global help to contain the virus, but yet here we are.

PS: if you don't mind, could you send me some of the sources? I understand Chinese so Chinese sources would be fine too. I'm kinda busy but would like to look a bit more into this maybe during the weekend.


feeltheslipstream t1_j372mea wrote

Well it's been a year and even back then it was really only available on Taiwan sites. I would advice you search for it in Chinese.

>It’s always good to see Peng Shuai, whether in an interview or attending the Olympic Games. However, her recent in-person interview does not alleviate any of our concerns about her initial post from 2 November.

See, people have met in person. But I bet that's not going to be enough anymore right?

>As to why the ccp might want to silence her, the ccp tried to silence the news of COVID within China for quite a while before the global outbreak. I don't see why they would want to do that instead of getting global help to contain the virus, but yet here we are.

We really going to do this?

The provincial government covered this from the federal level government for a week. Once this was discovered, the ccp immediately informed the WHO. It wasn't like the covered it up and got found out.


JK_Chan t1_j3k44g9 wrote

I mean that's good enough for me but if it isn't for WTA, then it isn't. And yes, we're really gonna do this. Even if they weren't trying to cover it up, the news reached the media before the WHO was informed by the ccp, and the WHO requested the information from the ccp (due to a statement from the provicial government(?)) rather than it being the ccp informing them immediately after realizing a cover up. Independent inquiries on the origin of COVID 19 have been actively blocked by the Chinese government and they have also tried to shift the blame to Italy for the virus' origin. Not really what I was here for (I was just gonna say that receiving confirmation from a third party doesnt mean you have to believe in such confirmation), but hey if you wanna I guess.


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