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ihm96 t1_j3fz428 wrote

Have you ever heard the saying about “if you don’t have anything nice to say , don’t say anything at all?”

Like what do you gain from putting out that negative energy?


RedYachtClub t1_j3g0fc5 wrote

What do you have to gain by negating all the years of hard work that the tens or hundreds of people put into making sure someone like Damar would live?

Attributing this result to anything other than hard work, good planning, passionate people, and science is disingenuous and a straight up lie. It's comments like that that encourage anti-science sentiment. "Oh it couldn't have been hard work and science, because God does everything".

Religion is the reason vaccines aren't trusted, and that polio is making a come back.

So what do I gain? Maybe I don't get polio, or another preventable infectious disease that we had the opportunity to eradicate. Using preventable diseases is an easy target, but the same argument can be applied to anything that religions are pushing.

Ultimately, religious people (specifically Christians) need to realize that it is our society and the people that make it up that makes "miracles" happen and not literal magic. I think understanding that there is someone out there who dedicated their life to understanding something well enough to help another human being to survive a nearly fatal freak accident is a good way to gain some appreciation for the people around us, and quit hating immigrants or LGBTQ people.


ihm96 t1_j3g0jb7 wrote

Nothing in his comment negated the hard work people have done , you’re just looking for a reason to hate


RedYachtClub t1_j3g0ni8 wrote

God didn't save Damar Hamlin's life, people did.

That's an important distinction to make.


homboo t1_j3g1oph wrote

Dont be naive. It was a bit of both. Why so much hate on believers?


RedYachtClub t1_j3g2bvv wrote

Why does the church cover up the sexual abuse of children?

Why does the church promote genocide against minorities?

Why do religious people overwhelmingly support cops killing innocent people, and allowing mentally unstable people to buy guns, while also voting to defund mental health initiatives?

Seems to me there's lots of reasons to be distrustful, weary, and generally uncomfortable with believers.


homboo t1_j3g5zlz wrote

What does all this have to do with god? Nothing. Why are you full of so much hate?


themusicdude1997 t1_j3ge544 wrote

You literally called Hamlin getting better proof that prayer works. Why would people not think you are mentally challenged?


ihm96 t1_j3g1d2o wrote

Not really though, you’re just trying to shit on the dude for praying and being religious.

Making the distinction doesn’t do shit


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j3gas5t wrote

> if you don’t have anything nice to say , don’t say anything at all?

That's a disgusting "rule". I don't want to be in a society where people are dishonest and afraid to tell the truth.

If everyone only ever says nice things it becomes meaningless. You won't know what they really think.

All you are saying is that your ego is too fragile to handle criticism, and you need to be coddled, truth has to be hidden away from you.


jeeden222 t1_j3gcuww wrote

He could of said it in a more constructive and nice way than: Sky daddy doesn’t give a shit about you.


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j3gdb4i wrote

But imagine working tirelessly, researching and constructing a way to help people, to only then some people claim that it was a miracle performed by some sort of made up entity taking away all the credit from yourself. How is this in any way remotely okay?


jeeden222 t1_j3gdmd5 wrote

I didn’t say that was ok. I just said he could of been better with the delivery of his message like you phrased it. Collective people, knowledge, and experience helped produce a great outcome for Hamlin. No reason to shit on someone’s religion and say their god doesn’t care about them. That’s not productive and it’s an attack instead of information.