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grifttu t1_j3nl4ut wrote

As a Red Raider, I never understood how he leveraged a losing record at Tech into a head coaching job in the NFL.

I was even in the camp that if he had one more season, and no QB injuries, he was on the cusp of finally turning it around. But he didn't do anything to make me think "oh yea, totally NFL HC material"


517UATION t1_j3normu wrote

Probably because he coached Mahomes in college. That probably gave him way more credit than he deserved.


DiscombobulatedWavy t1_j3nowke wrote

Hi fellow Red Raider. Aside from leveraging the Tech job into an NFL job,he also burned USC before taking the Cardinals gig. By no means am I a USC lover, but they don’t fuck around when it comes to the reputation of their football program. Or at least I thought they didn’t, until they went around chasing this guy.


tsx_1430 t1_j3oy5vm wrote

This is so dumb. If you get a shot in the NFL you take it. Especially as a head coach.


DiscombobulatedWavy t1_j3oyq95 wrote

No one’s saying it wasn’t a smart move. But he did screw USC by accepting then taking the cardinals gig. And the comment wasn’t whether or not it was a smart move. It was to the fact that he seemed like a better coach than he was and is.


bjams t1_j3o3ooe wrote

> I was even in the camp that if he had one more season, and no QB injuries, he was on the cusp of finally turning it around. But he didn't do anything to make me think "oh yea, totally NFL HC material"

Agreed. All for the best though, McGuire, Kittley and DeRuyter seem to be building something pretty solid.


njm1314 t1_j3nl6rg wrote

Shocking that the guy who was a failure at the college level wasn't a success at the professional level. I mean who saw that coming?


blindexhibitionist t1_j3pdc2b wrote

At the same time Saban and Meyer failed as well. I hear what you’re saying but I don’t know if there’s a correlation there. I think at the time part of the idea was that he had experience running the type of offense the nfl was trying to switch too and he had experience with qbs who went on to be successful in the nfl. I do remember at the time there was questions about the hiring. I don’t know enough about football to fully understand it. But I don’t think his college winning percentage is necessarily one of those factors. I’m trying to think of other college coaches who had success in the nfl. Erickson did decent. Jimmy Johnson did really well. Belichick was an assistant in college. Schiano was shit. Louisville guy was a trash human. Was Mora college first? Anywho it’s an interesting thought experiment about what makes a college coach do well in the pros.


njm1314 t1_j3q0wn6 wrote

Well that's the kicker though. Even guys who had massive success in college fail sometimes in the NFL. Nobody to my knowledge who was a clear failure in college however was a success in the pros, at least not in half a century.

Almost every coach has spent some time at the college level.


Uffda01 t1_j3rrvhr wrote

no - the kicker is the guy who tries to put the ball through the goalposts.


blindexhibitionist t1_j3nkxqj wrote

I’m not saying he’s good coach. But saying he doesn’t know football seems a bit hyperbolic