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ProfessorSucc t1_j455c9b wrote

I lowkey don’t get why mlb and fans want him blackballed so badly. He served his suspension, and there wasn’t even much evidence against him if any at all in the first place. Then you had Marcell Ozuna who was caught doing the deed on camera who got a slap on the wrist and was right back to playing. There had to be something else going on in the clubhouse with Bauer, or maybe the league was looking for a reason to get rid of him. Very odd scenario


HungLikeALemur t1_j45megf wrote

Bauer was a very polarizing player before all of this. Many people didn’t like him so something like this is an easy thing to latch onto and just assume he’s guilty. The dude is an ass to put it lightly. Easy to root against as ass.

MLB definitely didn’t like him for how often he publicly lambasted Manfred, so it isn’t surprising he didnt get any mercy initially (until now, obviously, when they reduced the suspension)

That being said, i think people still have an incorrect perception of what Ozuna did due to how it was initially reported.


xenogi t1_j46pb4b wrote

He was constantly making noise and ruffling feathers in regards to the sticky substance debacle.


mr-bucket t1_j47mf6t wrote

I mean he was very vocal he was against it then immediately started blatantly using it to get a huge contract. He was an average pitcher at best then turned into an ace woth the sticky stuff. Now hes back to average


TheHuntingApex t1_j48766m wrote

I don’t think he was using it to get a massive contract, rather he was using it to show just how little the MLB cared about the issue.


CHICAG0AT t1_j4gek5h wrote

That was his whole point though. He proved in real time how much better it could make you and how tons of guys had already made themselves better using it.


iamthecheesethatsbig t1_j45ckw6 wrote

He’s a starting pitcher for a major franchise. That’s just too much attention and sends the wrong message. Apparently they also gave him a chance in a meeting to see if he was showing any remorse and he did not. Just a bad situation all around.


mouse1093 t1_j455z9h wrote

It's not always a conspiracy to suspend people with active sexual assault and domestic violence charges pending and being investigated. Shitty people don't need to be employed.


HungLikeALemur t1_j45k86m wrote

He wasn’t questioning why Bauer was suspended. He’s wondering why ppl are so much more against Bauer when the evidence is shaky whereas other players who have literally been caught on video and/or plead guilty the fans aren’t nearly as harsh against. Not to mention Bauer also served a longer suspension than those other players.


tatofarms t1_j45dbbh wrote

Not sure why you're getting downvoted. He's in the entertainment industry. All of the complaining about people getting "cancelled" is bullshit. I don't want to think about this guy's abusive sex life or general assholishness while I'm chilling out and watching a game. Definitely not going to buy a ticket to see this chode in person. Definitely glad the Mets "missed out" on him a couple of years ago before the news broke.


HungLikeALemur t1_j45m7fe wrote

Probably because his comment wasn’t directed to the actual question he responded to.

He asserted that OP was thinking it was a conspiracy that Bauer was suspended at all. No, he said he doesn’t understand why the public (and MLB) is harsher against Bauer than actual proven players who committed crimes.


samdc1985 t1_j48grm7 wrote

He’ll get a nice new contract from the padres or another contender for $40 million a season before opening day


-Basileus t1_j49yvju wrote

I think it'll happen in the middle of the season like near the trade deadline


rythestunner t1_j4i8d69 wrote

He won't sign to any new contract before Opening Day because he's still under his current contract. The Dodgers are on the hook for all but the league minimum. Nobody's going to "extend" him until they see how he pitches after the layoff.


samdc1985 t1_j4i8q6v wrote

Lol, you act like he forgot how to pitch.. he’ll be signed guaranteed, no one cares what he did/didn’t do only that his arm works and that can Be seen at a HS field with a mound anywhere on earth


rythestunner t1_j4i9f60 wrote

And you act like he's consistently been an elite pitcher his entire career. Bauer has pitched more awful seasons than he has great seasons. He pitched elite in 2018, 2020, and half of 2021, so effectively two seasons since 2020 and his half of 2021 comprise one season. His other 7 seasons have been complete ass.


samdc1985 t1_j4i9tyr wrote

That’s all he needs for a contender to be point can be made by Kimbrels to the cubs and now non existence! He was great for red Sox for a few years held out signed by cubs and flopped


rythestunner t1_j4i9pqm wrote

I assure you...nobody is picking him up for the 2023 season for anything more than the league minimum before Opening Day.


samdc1985 t1_j4ia1tk wrote

Maybe.. I’d guess otherwise.. definitely not the minimum.. American sports always rewards bad behavior


rythestunner t1_j4jz62b wrote

He can't get more than the league minimum unless someone signs him and then offers him a contract extension. He's still under his Dodgers contract. Even though he's a free agent, he's still bound by that contract because the Dodgers released him while it was still active. The Dodgers will pay all but the league minimum (if he gets picked up) and whatever team picks him up (if they do) will pay him the league minimum. That team cannot offer him more. He cannot make more money during his contract than his original contract dictated.

His 2023 contract has him receiving $22,537,634. If nobody picks him up, the Dodgers will be on the hook for $22,537,634. If someone does pick him up, the Dodgers will be on the hook for $21,817,634 and his new team will be on the hook for $720,000. They cannot offer him more than $720,000 for 2023.

MLB has strict rules regarding this because allowing a team to sign a released player for more than the league minimum would reward a player for being awful and getting released by his team by potentially allowing him to earn more money than his original contract.


FedoraChronicles t1_j43wpm9 wrote

Anyone got context?

I don’t follow or really care about Baseball, but I like reading and hearing about team’s histories and dramas.


Rambokiller1230 t1_j44373r wrote

My brother in Christ, the link is right there


FedoraChronicles t1_j44a0bu wrote

I mean more general context from fans themselves. Like what is their thoughts on it I suppose to be specific.

I find that more interesting most of the time to get a general idea.

I asked the same thing about what was up with the TO McNabb controversy a while ago. Sure looking it up can work, but it’s genuinely more interesting to me hearing it from the fan’s perspective. And then afterward seeing the statistics and such.


pattyG80 t1_j44iiz0 wrote

Can you link the McNabb comment for us? I'd like to downvote that one too


FedoraChronicles t1_j44oju0 wrote

Jesus you are pathetic.


pattyG80 t1_j45vwza wrote

I'm just thinking, all this effort in getting shitty downvotes could be avoided by simply reading the article.


IrvinStabbedMe t1_j442eyr wrote

Basically he was accused of sexual assault by a woman. She was granted a restraining order against him that a judge later dismissed. The MLB took the allegations very seriously and suspended him 2 full seasons, the longest ban ever that wasn't a lifetime ban.

Courts never pressed charges, I believe due to no evidence and not having a case. And Bauer won an appeal to reduce his suspension. He also countersunk the woman for defamation along with suing some sports news sites for the same.


Morkins324 t1_j44pf6l wrote

Yeah, it was an incredibly odd situation. Bauer and the woman had a consensual sexual relationship, which included a component of rough sex. I believe there were text messages where she had explicitly consented to things like choking and slapping. I think she also admitted that. Additionally, the allegations hinged on something that was claimed to have occurred during the first of two encounters. So, after he had supposedly sexually assaulted her, she continued contacting him and met up with him again for another encounter with rough sex. I also think she had taken a smiling selfie of herself in bed with him the morning after the supposed assault.

Bauer doesn't exactly come out of it looking great. Given the agreed upon facts, it isn't unreasonable to believe that he may have actually assaulted the woman. However, it is also reasonable to question the woman's allegations. Her motives are questionable given the timeline and the fact that she had gone back to see him again after the supposed assault. I wouldn't blame anyone for choosing to believe either one of them or neither of them or both of them. It is entirely possible that Bauer genuinely believed that she consented, or she had genuinely given consent but then it got out of hand and she regretted it but didn't verbalize revoking consent. They are probably the only two people that actually know what really happened.


DFWPunk t1_j44vn1e wrote

There is also the case in Ohio, and the fact his texts confirm a lot of the disturbing details, which are disturbing even if you believe he's innocent of the charges. It's really violent, and his enjoyment is frightening.


Morkins324 t1_j44wkdm wrote

Yeah, that is what I meant by "doesn't exactly come out of it looking great".

As far as finding the details disturbing, the saying goes "Don't kink shame". People are into different things. Just because he is into the roleplay of it doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to do anything that is non-consensual. People are complicated and just because we might not understand it doesn't mean that it is anything "wrong".


[deleted] t1_j44vdbn wrote



HungLikeALemur t1_j45l53l wrote

“Beating his wife’s ass” is a gross over-exaggeration, bordering on lying or just complete lack of information on the actual case.

He still guilty of DV but there is no reason to make-up stuff to make it seem worse than it was. That just makes some ppl question the entire thing. The initial police report and charges were just incorrect which is why some charges were dropped and others reduced when the body can footage was released.

Not to mention, “welcomed back with open arms”? Yeah, he definitely wasn’t lol.