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BowwwwBallll t1_j5afe7u wrote

I dunno man. I saw a documentary where a kid was able to change the number of unexcused absences on his record to avoid discipline. Then he grabbed his friend, his friend’s dad’s Ferrari, broke his girlfriend out of school, and went on some adventures.


trwawy05312015 t1_j5ahboz wrote

That sounds really farfetched. Wouldn’t the dad know they took the car?


TheBaltimoron t1_j5aprcy wrote

Nah just reverse the miles right off.


HalobenderFWT t1_j5aqho6 wrote

But what would happen if you kicked the propped up car going in reverse in a fit of rage?

Asking for a friend.


trwawy05312015 t1_j5as8ce wrote

First thing I’d do to fix that is get in a pool and stop breathing.


HalobenderFWT t1_j5assy8 wrote

(I think that happened before the car out the window scene)


slapshots1515 t1_j5aves0 wrote

It did. The pool was a reaction to finding out the car was taken joyriding by the parking guys.