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Cartman55125 t1_j5fc845 wrote

Ha ha. Such a funny joke. I’ve never seen comedy executed this well. So original. You should go on tour.


No-Cartoons t1_j5fcwa2 wrote

Sadly, not a joke my friend.


Cartman55125 t1_j5fd1r2 wrote

Stick to painting toys, my guy


No-Cartoons t1_j5ff21h wrote

Also loved how your response to them not really playing basketball …instead was a comment on toys. My guy lol


Cartman55125 t1_j5ffu4g wrote

Cause it’s clear your responses are rooted in misogyny and not valid criticisms of the sport


No-Cartoons t1_j5fgbbt wrote

Negatory. I clearly stated such. But STILL doesn’t explain your high schoolish response.


No-Cartoons t1_j5fdxy1 wrote

Sure thing Rick and Morty lol, stick to watching cartoons! LOL

Some of these girls can't play, and it has nothing to do with their sex.

As a pro, wide-open air balls should never really happen. Multiple shot clock turnovers in succession should never happen. Multiple turnovers in a row shouldn't really happen. I have League Pass and I barely watch any of the games, but the ones I do watch are pathetic. Those girls need to practice their skills, be aware of the shot clock, understand the value of a possession, etc.

Why are they complaining about $75,000? Their product is not good. Also, they make a good living! To play basketball! If they want to make NBA money, they need to show it on the court. WNBA shooters should be as efficient as NBA scorers, due to the smaller ball and closer 3-point line. I'm assuming they don't put in the practice that NBA players do. If somebody paid me $75,000 to play ball on TV, I'd practice my a** off so I could show off and kick some a**. That's what sports were to me when I played, so I don't think the girls should give less effort just because they feel underpaid.

It's hard to make $75,000 in your 20's, even if you're responsible and make good decisions. Go practice, play the game with intelligence, and more money will come.

It's their fault the league isn't more successful after 20+ years. Try harder.


Cartman55125 t1_j5ff0rc wrote

Air balls happen in the NBA all the time. Just say you don’t watch basketball and move on.

Also their demand for more money is wanting a bigger % of the revenue. WNBA players get a much smaller percentage of revenue the league brings in compared to the portion NBA players get.

You’re coming off as a moron


No-Cartoons t1_j5fgyed wrote

Air balls don’t happen all the time in the NBA and certainly way less then the WNBA. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t watch basketball on any level.

The league is subsidized and ultimately comes from taxpayers dollars. They very simply don’t sell tickets, cause sadly it’s not an exciting sport to watch. No way around that really.

Your coming off as …well….you know….


Cartman55125 t1_j5fjpf2 wrote

You’re insufferable and wrong. I’m not going to argue with someone who keeps making shit up.


No-Cartoons t1_j5fkqlb wrote

Sorry buddy, I’m not wrong and you’ve not really argued anything so it’s all good.

But you don’t need me to validate anything, just turn on the TV and watch for yourself.

If you enjoy that particular three ring circus, then chow down on your particular yum.

I just happen to like basketball at full speed.