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SteffeEric t1_j5fk4az wrote

Right telling her she didn’t do enough to prevent this is not necessary. It’s not that big of a deal either. It seems rather obvious. It is her choice to do what she pleases and she chose to have a child.

In this job you know that you won’t be able to help your team for a year. You know that could have consequences for your career just like missing a season with an injury would.

You don’t choose to get injured but you can choose to have a kid. It’s cold but as a woman in this setting you have to be prepared to have your commitment questioned.

Your family should be more important than your job. However in this competitive of a career you have to realize there are other people willing to make sacrifices that you are not.

There isn’t anything wrong with either choice but it is a choice she made. It seems she just didn’t expect these consequences and now she’s lashing out.