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bdzz t1_j6fxl17 wrote

I’m actually surprised that handball is not more popular in the US. Easy to follow, very similar gameplay pattern to basketball (the passive play rule is the only big difference). And it’s also very physical in a good way. Hopefully the LA Olympics will give a big boost to the game in the US!


IAmTheNick t1_j6g4n0i wrote

I don't even think most Americans are even aware of handball. If you say handball to the average american, I'm pretty sure they would think you were talking about the game where you hit the ball against the wall.


lyssah_ t1_j6h784a wrote

Tennis ball throw it against the wall helps me forget about my cancer.


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j6hygll wrote

In hs gym class it was called European Handball, because yes 100% Handball is a park game played with a wall.


Moug-10 t1_j6h8rqj wrote

I remember in 2009, France decided to play the final four of the League Cup in Miami Heat's arena. Unfortunately, despite good games, only 1000 people showed up.


InvincibleJellyfish t1_j6h6za5 wrote

It's like basketball with football contact rules and constant defensive/offensive subs.

And these guys are all 6 ft 5 and +210 lbs.


no_apricots t1_j6hanjg wrote

Yeah, Americans would actually love it. It's basically violent basketball mixed with hockey rules(actual goal, two-minute suspensions).


thorpie88 t1_j6hjeo8 wrote

All that just screams Aussie rules and is partially why the game got a boost during covid


Longhag t1_j6ir3y2 wrote

I’m 6’5” and 220 lbs…do I have to start running in a garbage bag so I can join a team? Does look like a fun change from soccer!


InvincibleJellyfish t1_j6isdnh wrote

Why the garbage bag?

Interval training, squat and benchpress (general strength training), is what most handball players do besides the actual training for the sport.

If you're not used to throwing a ball with one hand, you'll have a very hard time transitioning from soccer, and your forearms especially and hands will be underdeveloped strength wise.


no_apricots t1_j6halem wrote

Yeah, I've told this to my American friends. It simply isn't popular because it's not a college sport, plus every athletic person is gonna do a school sport(scholarships and whatnot). As you say, if you're 6'4 and athletic, you're either playing basketball or american football already for sure.

Average international handball player is built like an NFL linebacker or tight end lol


Allergictomars t1_j6hy8wk wrote

I live in NYC and it's actually very popular in the Bronx and Queens (maybe Brooklyn too, but I don't go to Brooklyn). They even have leagues and in the summer hold tournaments.

I've never seen any violence (like shoving or whatnot) and it's always such a chill and happy atmosphere. They set up scoring tables and sometimes record on cameras. They also play music.

The players range in size though; some are skinny and some are clearly dedicated to caring for their bodies. I think they also play co-ed but most times it's just men.


KongRahbek t1_j6i0gzr wrote

Is this what you're talking about:

Because that's not handball, this is:


Allergictomars t1_j6i2dxz wrote

Oh! That's a big difference. It's like soccer (football) meets basketball! So cool. Thanks for the correction!


kidmaciek t1_j6hglpm wrote

Americans are clueless about handball. I remember when some NFL player said they could put together a team that would beat olympic champions (France at the time).


MoozeRiver t1_j6h5fmp wrote

Also, the US did surprisingly well in this world cup, winning 2 out of 6. They were basically expected to lose all games except maybe against Uruguay in game of 31-32 place. 20th place is amazing, and I don't care if it's all dual citizens!


HiderDK t1_j6hnsor wrote

Also worth noting that the spread in the match against Denmark was 22.5 goals and US only lost by 9 goals.


Rhydsdh t1_j6hg60n wrote

I think Basketball's popularity is the reason handball is a thing in the US. They occupy the same niche so why play/watch handball when Basketbal is right there.


Augen76 t1_j6iyg1g wrote

Given American Football is by far the most watched I've always been baffled how Rugby isn't even on the radar. To a lesser degree baseball and cricket. Handball feels similar as say to basketball.

In certain respects it feels like the US forged its own sports for the most parts and by the 1990s it became crowded. The only team sport breaking in has been soccer/football and that has the advantage of being the biggest sport in the world. Even that has been a tough long road over the decades. Years ago I thought Lacrosse might, but it continues to reside in the periphery of US sport culture.

I'd be surprised for any team sport to break into the collective psyche beyond an Olympic curiosity.


abcdef-G t1_j6hghva wrote

The passive play rule isn't that different to the shot clock tbh, it serves the same purpose


JJiggy13 t1_j6gtp3q wrote

That's not what I think of when I hear handball


grendel9191 t1_j6gu7x0 wrote

Why would it be popular when you already have basketball. That’s like saying it’s surprising cricket is not popular because of baseball or that it’s surprising rugby is not popular because of football. What actually happens is the opposite. When two sports are similar one dominates and the other “lesser” sport gets no attention.


veebs7 t1_j6gzbkk wrote

I can tell you’re a handball expert