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Reasonable_Garage318 t1_j6pypdh wrote

There's always going to be something to complain about in these situations.

Run the busses and one gets into an accident? "They should have never ran the busses and called off"

Have class but not run busses? "I don't have the means to drive my kids to school for X,Y,Z reason"

Cancel school? "I can't miss more work due to lack of childcare"

I'm not saying you're wrong in how you're feeling/experiencing the situation, But is there any "winning" in these scenarios?


whattheduce86 t1_j6q6yzy wrote

I am curious what job doesn’t give you time off.


Kilo417 OP t1_j6q92if wrote

How about multiple employers that only give two weeks off.


whattheduce86 t1_j6q97v6 wrote

I’m confused, Is that not enough?


Kilo417 OP t1_j6q9u32 wrote

4-6 days for snow this year, 1-3 sick days for children and then try to plan other contingencies. Yes it makes it tough.


whattheduce86 t1_j6qatt2 wrote

It is tough I agree, I also have kids. but that is more than some people get. I try to always have two backup baby sitters in case i need one. Also any good company won’t count snow days against you.


notnotpegbundy t1_j6rp9dq wrote

“Any good company won’t count snow days against you”

You must not work for a corporation.


whattheduce86 t1_j6rtl56 wrote

You mean like Truck Hero? The worlds biggest supplier of truck bed covers? Yea they forgive snow days.


notnotpegbundy t1_j6rvba0 wrote

I work for a healthcare company, a snow day is a snow day is a sick day. We don’t have “excused” snow days, so pardon my disbelief.


whattheduce86 t1_j6ry066 wrote

Yeah, I get that. the whole health care system is screwed here in the US.


notnotpegbundy t1_j6rz7ny wrote

Believe me, if I could talk about what I see daily…


whattheduce86 t1_j6rzmmy wrote

My sister used to work for a hospital. She doesn’t have to work but chooses to do so but switched and does in home care and said it’s so much better.


fphillips93 t1_j6vbkuc wrote

I work in healthcare, too. My boss was cool with staying and working when her employees couldn’t make it in due to dangerous conditions.


FrankenRabies t1_j6qbtsc wrote

That is far from enough. Laughable what we put up with in the US, especially here in the Midwest.


whattheduce86 t1_j6qcmrn wrote

That’s what unions are for is it? I know other countries have it better, but we will never be like those countries. The US is just too big of a country with too many greedy rich people.