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Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_j6ta1s3 wrote

Are you wanting religious or non-religious?

I know there’s the Homeschoolers In Service one that meets on the north side of Springfield I’ve heard good things about. That’s a Christian group.

Woven Bramble Homeschool Community is secular, I don’t know anything about them but that’s what Google told me.

I can look and find a couple local homeschool FB groups to recommend - I won’t be homeschooling for a couple more years but I’ve joined some just to figure out what I’ll wind up doing to stay legal with it. Missouri does require record keeping and minimum hour requirements. Missouri Homeschoolers is a good one to join, they discuss a lot of the state requirements.


Suitable_Magician515 OP t1_j6tbalw wrote

Thanks for the suggestions. We've been homeschooling for 12 years now across several states. We're all too familiar with state requirements. We we trying to stay secular. But we've been a part of many secular homeschool coops before.