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Pretty_Web_3399 t1_j6viw7z wrote

If you can’t stand to be around your kids, imagine how other people feel!!


round_is_funny t1_j6vmh99 wrote

I just want to defend them in saying that kids, elementary age, are used to a lot of programming throughout the day. It does get exhausting to compete with that, when you aren't used to providing a new activity every 15 minutes or so. I love being with my kid, but her teacher is brilliant at what she does. Also, we are not in SPS.


bobone77 t1_j6w643s wrote

This has been the case for years. Used to teach at SPS, we had group chats laughing at the FB comments. It was like a bingo or a Yahtzee if the angry parent belonged to one of the students in your class. 🤣


GundleFly t1_j6wvzc9 wrote

My favorite is the stay-at-home mom’s that are furious about it. Sorry that your SPS “daycare” ruined your mid-morning white wine and Xanax parties this week.


Consistent_Speech713 t1_j71105x wrote

Us single moms work hard for everything but I think your joke is quite hilarious 😆


ProgressMom68 t1_j6xxi79 wrote

You have a peculiar idea of what SAHMs do but go off.


GundleFly t1_j6xygpi wrote

imagine being offended by a joke


ProgressMom68 t1_j6y19ny wrote

Sorry my bad. This just sounded like nasty stereotyping. Must have misinterpreted your “humor.”


Dbol504 t1_j6vngh8 wrote

Must be city parents. I had to go check on my parents house out in the county and roads look like they did in the city on Tuesday. I know they only plow some streets but looks like no one even tried with any of them.


growth-or-happiness t1_j6wunyf wrote

I love hanging out with my kids. I wish others felt the same about me. Lol


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j6y1dwm wrote

Right? I get that it's a meme that kids are a hassle and all that, but I see so many parents who treat their kids like this huge burden and act like martyrs about it.

When I'm out I see parents all the time yelling at or just ignoring their kids. Those kids are going to grow up and do the same thing back to those parents. And I'll bet the parents will still act like martyrs about it.

I'll take all the time I can get with my kid, they're only kids for a little while.


Murky_Wolf3895 t1_j6ycif6 wrote

big same to this! my kid is great! I am too if only people would give me a chance lmao.


snacksv1 t1_j6vgvza wrote

Thanks.. I had to go see for myself. One person stated, " I'm just here for the comments". lol


Kindmacklin t1_j6vicjd wrote

Def some jack holes over in the FB comments!


Bestcliche26 t1_j6y9n32 wrote

We’re out in Clever. On the FB post yesterday announcing AMI for today the very first comment is “what a crock of shit”.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_j6zlptx wrote

I live on the west side. Willard district but have a wife who works and a kid who attends SPS. I was surprised they canceled until friend on south side sent pics of their neighborhood. Huge difference. My neighborhood and roads into willard were pretty much clear


Consistent_Speech713 t1_j7119iv wrote

Okay so I can understand being upset because of struggling. Like living paycheck to paycheck and depending on SPS to have your child while you work. It’s rough. I have a baby and work full time and it can be hard to manage time off for things. But at the same time I love my child so much that getting to spend an extra “snow day” with him would be magical. I resent going to work and being away from him. But I can see if parents are struggling to afford basic bills and groceries and have to work why that would be a stressor. That’s the only reason I can think of to be stressed about a snow day anyways.


Renn_1996 t1_j6xxo7n wrote

I can understand why they are upset. I drove my step kids from springfield to strafford this morning no issues at all roads were clear and dry. Including the tiny side roads in strafford. If a small town like strafford full of county roads that don't ever get cleared has school there is no reason for springfield to cancel.


MotherofaPickle t1_j6x7g87 wrote

I just don’t understand why my child has to miss out on learning and therapy because no one in the town can drive when precipitation is present.


davidrothchild69 OP t1_j6x80tn wrote

Because it is a massive liability for busses to be driving on completely ice covered residential areas. Additionally, it is unsafe for kids to walk on ice covered roads/sidewalks as they go to their bus stop