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gigermuse t1_j6x8pwm wrote

311/shrine mosque/age 15


Robodie t1_j8wvjsw wrote

With *Phunk Junkeez and Tiny Red Spiders?

  • Edit for spelling correction because OH FUCK I GOT OLD!

gigermuse t1_j94cv1m wrote

OMG Tiny Red friends sister dated then married one of them lol


Robodie t1_j98jfrs wrote

Oh no shit? Ha, you have no idea how awesome that is to hear. Because usually no one even knows who I'm even talking about anymore, and I swear the 90s were NOT that long ago. They couldn't be, right? Hmm...

... anyolewho, check out this beauty that I just ran across on Discogs:

The Springfield Sound Vol. I


gigermuse t1_j9xdw7p wrote

That's fukn awesome!! Just like 1997 all over again ... And yes, she married Heath, no clue if that worked out or not.