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jss728 t1_j79rf0a wrote

Thanks for your kindness, so much. These people were really cruel and came after our staff pretty hard too. I was there yesterday and also spoke to two guests who raised an order card. The kids were screaming and shouting and the mom was actively on her phone with a blanket on her head doing nothing about it.

We want everyone’s movie-going experience to be a good one, always. We’re sorry it happened and would prefer it never would have, but we always strive to preserve environments of mutual respect here.


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j79slbv wrote

I can’t believe how cringey they, and others, are acting. We love that theater and will continue to frequent there!


jss728 t1_j79tt01 wrote

Thank you, that means a lot to all of us!


BathrobeDave t1_j7a7v4y wrote

I go to alamo solely because of these policies and how they're enforced.

The amount of times I've seen young children and infants in theaters before y'all is baffling. I hope you don't change a thing.


FrankenRabies t1_j7b8gde wrote

I saw an outburst at the Alamo before. My daughter(10)and I went to see something and when we walked to the bathroom after ordering drinks and food but before the trailers started this guy was clearly drunk and reached for my kid, I just moved between them and continued on our way with a huge glare. Idk if he wanted a high five or what, but don’t reach and stare at peoples kids. It’s fucking creepy. Thinking back I should have gone to management right then, but I didn’t think. We got back to the theater and saw the guy there. He was making a scene so about 3 or 4 of the teens-young adults working there was trying to get him and his (wife?) out.

Now I respect kicking people out like this. Love that. But I was majorly disappointed that it was young, small people trying to get this larger dude who was threatening to hit them out and not the cop hanging out in the lobby or upper management. Is there a reason it’s just the servers it seems who kick folks out? Does the cop being there just stay there for show?


jss728 t1_j7bo450 wrote

The servers are never the ones we ask to remove unruly guests. While a server can issue the initial warning, supervisors and managers are the only ones who can remove the guest from the theater or the venue.

We have had guests fight back, and that’s when security has stepped in with past interactions. They’re always ready when we ask for help as well!