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rogan_notjoe t1_j7a9314 wrote

I saw the post and was annoyed Alamo completely changed their story. They said it was for the “excessive noise” at first and when the mother explained it was her apparent preapproved child laughing, Alamo said “oh well you were on your phone too” I was on their side until then lol. And it looked like the post and a few comments were from a third party observing.


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7ax9d9 wrote

The mother ADMITTED to being on her phone. There were complaints from other patrons. Alamo admitted they fucked uo letting a two year old in.

Alamo fucked up letting a 2 year old in. Mom fucked up by being under a blanket on her phone (which she admitted) and the children were loud.


jss728 t1_j7cc18t wrote

Hey there. We didn’t intend to “change our story.” There are a few of us who handle social media and I hadn’t gotten the info to the offsite team fast enough. As the social media manager who was also on site throughout the incident, I’m happy to clear anything up.

  1. We erred in missing the age and allowed in a two-year old to a 3+ movie. We have since addressed the importance of upholding policy with the concierge staff, who is new to the position and learning.

  2. The family entered the theater.

  3. During the movie, two guests put up order cards about children shouting and screaming.

  4. When we went to warn the family, the mother was also openly on her phone with a blanket over her head.

  5. As the behavior was disruptive and ongoing, we removed the guests so that others could enjoy the show.

  6. Unfortunately this was not an all-ages or sensory friendly showing, but we still would not allow that level of noise and never cell phone use.

We’re all doing our best every day and we hate this every time it happens. We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time with us, from staff to guests.