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slossages t1_j7dm0jc wrote

Yeah I agree. Plus for some reason their winter grind does not taste good out of a can. Wish they would go back to bottles.


keefwonder t1_j7dou20 wrote

The taste on all of their canned beers is very off. I thought I didn't like their beer anymore until I got some on draft and bottled again


bobone77 t1_j7dw755 wrote

I have never liked any of their beer. Every single one has a taste that I can’t really identify and definitely don’t like. I’ve never encountered it in any other beer.


AmcillaSB t1_j7dyha2 wrote

They're really inconsistent, and it sucks. I realize this is entirely subjective, but I think that overall their beers got worse when the new brewmaster guy took over (or at least, when the original guy left.) The last few years have have been a time vortex, so ballpark 8 years ago? Also, their newer labels/packaging is awful -- it's really hard to tell their beers apart at a glance.


hypo_____ t1_j7ehfzd wrote

Yeah I don’t get their marketing color scheme at all. Other breweries do similar things, KC Bier comes to mind but without all the noisy art. Not a fan.


AndyWarholsbigcan t1_j7iwndv wrote

I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who dislikes the new packaging. It shouldn’t be that difficult to distinguish the beers apart.


Kindmacklin t1_j7il5cx wrote

Agree 100%. Beer taste like bad homebrew and the labels are pathetic.


Bootdaddy247 t1_j7iyeko wrote

They be using city water. Hold Fast does it too. I'd bet that was it. It makes the pH hard to control and makes things quite variable.


bobone77 t1_j7j8lqp wrote

I thought that was it, but also thought surely they must run it through some kind of filter or something, so that couldn’t REALLY be it. City water is terrible.


SnooMaps5167 t1_j7fg6l5 wrote

I love mothers beer and always consistent for me. I do buy from the brewery around the corner so maybe they are damaged in delivery? Idk never had this problem.


sprocter77 t1_j7fo3xw wrote

Same here never an issue with lil helper in cans. I also keep it on tap most the time at home and never had an issue with it either.


Advanced_Car1599 t1_j7f96ix wrote

I thought it was just me. There is something about the taste for sure- and not in a good way. Bottle and draft are great. Can? Tastes wonky.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j7giy3r wrote

Mother's in a can is almost as offensive as their newest packaging designs.


Love-Being-Empty t1_j7fr89u wrote

Also annoys me they now have winter grind in cans and not a bottle.


THEBradfordBurgundy t1_j7h6oat wrote

My favorite brewery in town! Their canned winter grind this year is the only issue I've had but it's definitely annoying. I appreciate them trying to give me as much of that liquid gold as possible but half the time it ends up spilling/spraying everywhere when I open a can