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slossages t1_j7dm0jc wrote

Yeah I agree. Plus for some reason their winter grind does not taste good out of a can. Wish they would go back to bottles.


bobone77 t1_j7dw755 wrote

I have never liked any of their beer. Every single one has a taste that I can’t really identify and definitely don’t like. I’ve never encountered it in any other beer.


AmcillaSB t1_j7dyha2 wrote

They're really inconsistent, and it sucks. I realize this is entirely subjective, but I think that overall their beers got worse when the new brewmaster guy took over (or at least, when the original guy left.) The last few years have have been a time vortex, so ballpark 8 years ago? Also, their newer labels/packaging is awful -- it's really hard to tell their beers apart at a glance.


Advanced_Car1599 t1_j7f96ix wrote

I thought it was just me. There is something about the taste for sure- and not in a good way. Bottle and draft are great. Can? Tastes wonky.


SnooMaps5167 t1_j7fg6l5 wrote

I love mothers beer and always consistent for me. I do buy from the brewery around the corner so maybe they are damaged in delivery? Idk never had this problem.


Love-Being-Empty t1_j7fr89u wrote

Also annoys me they now have winter grind in cans and not a bottle.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j7giy3r wrote

Mother's in a can is almost as offensive as their newest packaging designs.


THEBradfordBurgundy t1_j7h6oat wrote

My favorite brewery in town! Their canned winter grind this year is the only issue I've had but it's definitely annoying. I appreciate them trying to give me as much of that liquid gold as possible but half the time it ends up spilling/spraying everywhere when I open a can