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SCORPIONfromMK t1_j7niblp wrote

Lots of obvious cameras and some not so obvious ones.

Lots and lots of motion lights.

Lock your stuff, don't leave anything out that you want to keep.

Leave your yard or porch a little messy, seriously, if a crackhead sees a nice tidy well kept up house they are going to assume you have shit worth stealing, if they pass by a house that looks like every other house on the block or slightly worse they're gonna keep looking for a nice house.

If you buy something nice keep the box or throw it away at work, don't leave the box for your new game console or TV on the side of the road next to your can otherwise someone might decide they want it more than you do.

Stay armed. It helps to occasionally open cary to your car or something so people around know you're armed and probably not worth the trouble. (Don't be a jackass, if you do decide staying armed is a right you choose to exercise do it properly and safely)

It's all about making the thief/attacker/tweaker/whatever think twice and just pick an easier target.

And don't be afraid to call the cops, don't do it in an obvious fashion cause you don't want the neighbors to think you're a snitch and retaliate but if you see some suspicious shit (tweakers breaking in to abandoned houses or trespassing where they definitely shouldn't be) call and have them roll by eventually word will get out that cops are always in the area and to steer clear. But remember you can't actually rely on SPD to save you, that responsibility is up to you and you alone.