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Always_0421 t1_j7sfw24 wrote

>Missouri clearly didnt care.

To be clear the state of Missouri didn't want rec THC at all; thats why no bill ever left committee and why the petition initiative was used, to circumvent the state of missouri.

If you're saying it was shitty of the voters to approve the bill without that consideration, I'd say we're lucky it passed at all; the first red state to legalize rec use nationwide.

And let's be honest, 90%+ of med users were just using the med card as a license for rec.


dhrisc t1_j7snuul wrote

I still am down to let med users get easier and faster access, but you are 100% right on the first point tbh. This is what happens when we dont have a govt that can come together and make a law and weigh input etc. Shouldnt have had to be a ballot initiative. .