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_ism_ t1_j7vycxj wrote

I recently learned the recreational amendment included privisions for employees to not discriminate against medical card holders! feel like it's high time for EVERYONE to get a med card for this reason alone


somabva t1_j7w58mo wrote

It's still illegal federally. State can say whatever they want, but employers will still be able to refuse to hire based on a drug test result, card or no card.


CheffRick t1_j7y6nvf wrote

Then the state can revoke their business license. The state has more power than what you think. You pay taxes to the federal government but the state is the one that licenses your business. Franchises must obtain business license in each state they are opened in for this very reason.


somabva t1_j7zgr1t wrote

There's definitely a swamp of interesting legal issues with no real precedent yet. Can a state coerce a business to break federal law? I doubt that would play well in federal court. But who knows. I'm just saying that until the feds make sensible policy moves, I wouldn't expect, say, Mercy hospital or the post office to care if you have your medical card. They're still not going to hire you if you can't pass a drug test.