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Goblin4Morrison t1_j7vt53d wrote

A lot of jobs that are allowing cannabis usage are requiring you have a medical card.


_ism_ t1_j7vycxj wrote

I recently learned the recreational amendment included privisions for employees to not discriminate against medical card holders! feel like it's high time for EVERYONE to get a med card for this reason alone


Reasonable_Garage318 t1_j7vzo4k wrote

A lot of places only drug test upon hiring. Just be clean for that and then don't talk about it at work so you won't have to worry about a "random" test done.


Maleficent_Price5346 t1_j7vzzy9 wrote

You might check out arc of the Ozarks, their starting wage is 18 and they just dropped thc testing completely


somabva t1_j7w58mo wrote

It's still illegal federally. State can say whatever they want, but employers will still be able to refuse to hire based on a drug test result, card or no card.


Mule_Skinner_43 t1_j7wbxbw wrote

I've heard penmac, bass pro, walmart quit testing for weed in the past year. My current job tests for everything but cannabis (except for positions that require operating machinery).

Ymmv, but I'm done taking breaks to pass a test for a job. I'm not going to be hush hush about my usage either. It's legal now, I am comfortable adopting that mindset in all areas of my life.


ChewML t1_j7wsbzk wrote

Lkq remanufacturing does not drug test. They haven't for a few years now. Starting pay is over $16 an hour I think. No experience necessary, just hopefully be trainable. And wipe your own ass.


fahmine t1_j7xiyid wrote

personally I wouldn't want to work somewhere that my value as an employee was exceeded by my use of a legally obtained substance enjoyed on my own fucking time.


DrTadpole t1_j7xps7e wrote

Enterprise doesn’t test for weed


thecurrentst8ment t1_j7xq3al wrote

The funny thing is the CIA, NSA, etc ... Quit testing for thc YEARS ago. So the guys responsible for national security and dealing with monsters are cool... But everyone else isn't. I wish all the idiots would be pushed into retirement and then we fix all this broken nonsense.

Secondly... Dude I wondered the same thing. The not knowing part sucks. ESPECIALLY, if you are at this new place and you still don't know yet if you'll get tested for it. Obviously you can "prepare". It's unquestionably fear mongering. Sure let this dude drive drunk and ruin the rest of his life possibly kill some people because he is BLACKED OUT. but the stoned drivers mostly don't have issues driving and they certainly don't black out.

Honestly it's just insane. Just hire good people and they will do whatever they want in their freedom... Oh wait.


CheffRick t1_j7y6nvf wrote

Then the state can revoke their business license. The state has more power than what you think. You pay taxes to the federal government but the state is the one that licenses your business. Franchises must obtain business license in each state they are opened in for this very reason.


goblin-mami t1_j7yw3wn wrote

NetSmart has specific verbiage in their job descriptions that state a medical card is necessary even if you live in a state in which recreational is legal -_- no protections etc etc


somabva t1_j7zgr1t wrote

There's definitely a swamp of interesting legal issues with no real precedent yet. Can a state coerce a business to break federal law? I doubt that would play well in federal court. But who knows. I'm just saying that until the feds make sensible policy moves, I wouldn't expect, say, Mercy hospital or the post office to care if you have your medical card. They're still not going to hire you if you can't pass a drug test.


Adorable-Act1547 t1_j7zkwxe wrote

Not sure how long it will take Missouri to get to this point, but I am an Illinois resident and recreational user without a medical card. The last two jobs I have had since recreational legalization in Illinois have not even tested for THC on the drug screening I had to take in the hire-on process. Obviously you can't come to work high or be seen using cannabis on work premises, but most jobs seem to be pretty lax about it for the most part, besides the obvious ones that aren't.


FrankenRabies t1_j7zwoq4 wrote

Use quickfix if tested. If you work in manual labor and get injured, you can get fucked over. But past that, don’t stress about what you do off the job, just don’t post anything that can lead back to you that your employer could potentially see of what you do at home.