Submitted by Capelily t3_10ywnz3 in springfieldMO

Hi! I'm in my mid-60s and am planning to move to Springfield in March. I've been trying to learn about Springfield through the newspaper (not helpful) and this sub. What are some things about Springfield an older newcomer should know? I have a dog, so info on good places to walk her is most welcome!

I also hope to purchase a fixer-upper and make it my own.

Thanks for reading :)



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exhusband2bears t1_j804a7f wrote

Hey welcome, soon-to-be new resident!

For the dog walking part, I can attest that we have lots of lovely parks in the area for exercising your pup. We als have an off-leash dog park that I think is kind of 'meh', but there are lots of lovely natural places.

As for other things: we have more restaurants/fast food places than you could swing a dead cat at, we all drive like madmen, and about 78% of the population is pretty nice.

Good luck in your move and I hope you like it here.


gypsyjacks453 t1_j82uac6 wrote

Watch out for ticks and chiggers in warmer months. Lots of great bike/walking trails. Google the greenway trail system.


bullshitisbull t1_j9myfp5 wrote

Speaking of which, I love to get out in nature, but since moving here I've always heard about the ticks non-stop. Anyone know of a sure fire way to dissuade them from forming an attachment with my body (non-deet)? I suppose if someone did they'd be a millionaire. Thanks in advance.


Rhode77 t1_j811x8y wrote

Hello group, I’m 62 years old and am fairly new to Springfield, I’m a female, and I am looking for a friend that would like to go crafting with me. Flea marketing, shopping, eating out. I have no family here and as of yet no friends. Hoping to change that soon lonely in Springfield.


lola-starr98 t1_j82o9u6 wrote

You'll find the right people soon! Springfield was weird to me when I first moved here but im still a homebody and I've been here 7 years now lol


Rhode77 t1_j8dumhp wrote

Thank you I have high hopes I find a friend.


Eilidh111 t1_j83bntv wrote

Might help to post your age. Not that people should judge you based on being too young or old but a lot of people are comfortable with people in certain age ranges for a variety of reasons.


SquirtledYou t1_j845vhd wrote

If you’re going to crafting there’s a place on South Campbell called Let’s Gather & Create


malevolentk t1_j854x2l wrote

These are all things I like and I would love a thrifting friend (also auctions here are fun)


Rhode77 t1_j8duj75 wrote

Well, let’s meet sometime soon!


FrankenRabies t1_j85h9q2 wrote

How old are you? I’m 30 and love all that you mentioned. I have a 4th grader but also have a bit of free time before the warm weather hirs. Feel free to message me.


Rhode77 t1_j8dtkkw wrote

I’m 62 and would love to get together with you and go shopping or whatever. messaged me and we can get something going


dhrisc t1_j80afb7 wrote

As far as cultural things, we have a pretty good public library, occasionally get some good theater and music, Gillioz and Juanita K Hammons are good venues to watch. Someone mentioned Phelps Grove, we have a decent (for the size of the city imo) art museum right by the park there, and a local history and natural history museum.


FrankenRabies t1_j80cg98 wrote

There are greenway trails all over town that are wonderful to walk on. Neighborhood walks are also nice. My next door neighbors are 10-15 years older than you and they walk their dogs all over our neighborhood. If you like more hip kinda place, a nice neighborhood to walk around is the Rountree neighborhood. Has a brewery, a couple bars, a coffee shop, tacos, ramen, pizza, etc.

I don’t find Springfield dangerous and I walk or bike most places. Well, other than cars. Be aware when you’re walking of them, even if you have the right of way, make sure they are stopping. Being right doesn’t mean shit if you’re dead. There are homeless, but I’ve never had a bad experience with them here. I’m pretty approachable though so my interactions have always been from people who seem lonely and maybe don’t get looked at in the face by most people.

We have a few farmers markets that are awesome. One on Republic, one next to the mall, and one on Commercial. They’re all on Saturdays and dog friendly. My favorite one is by the mall for prices. It’s the cheapest. But the other two are great too. They all participate in double ing up for EBT so if you use food stamps you can get $10 worth of veggies for $5. Great program we have for those struggling to afford vegetables.

Edit: there’s also fastnight and urban roots farms off the top of my head for local produce during the week. Fassnight I have a special place for because they introduced me and my daughter to canary melons which are now our favorite and we grow them ourselves.


YakAttack_Actual t1_j8201kh wrote

Hey there, Springfield native… This really isn’t all that intense of a town one way or another politically. Stay away from the mega churches and you’ll have a good time. Lots of great food, lots of mountain bike and hiking trails, fishing, artwalk every Friday Spring to Fall…

I’ve lived in KC, NYC and here. Chose here to raise a family for the reasons above.


YakAttack_Actual t1_j8203q9 wrote

Also sent you a DM on that house to fix portion of your post. I’d love to be able to help out with that!


alrightyxxaphrodite t1_j8050lc wrote

I would suggest buying on the south side! North side Springfield is sort of sketchy, but has some really nice options for fixer uppers if you don’t mind sketchy! Sequiota Park is my favorite! It’s very pretty and a nice place to take dogs for walks! Phelps Grove park is also pretty nice, but a lot of people walk their dogs there! People are bad drivers but I think most of Springfield is nice! There’s lots of nice thrift stores and coffee shops, and downtown is lovely!!


[deleted] t1_j823enq wrote



alrightyxxaphrodite t1_j82p98u wrote

You are so right, but nobody warned me of the north side when I moved here so I feel obligated to let people know! 😅


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_j8376kw wrote

It's more north and west than anything. Go a couple miles east on the north side you have million dollar mansions and middle class Homes.


pssssn t1_j80c211 wrote

>I've been trying to learn about Springfield through the newspaper

If you were trying the Springfield News-Leader you are likely to come up short. The Springfield Daily Citizen is much better for this.


Capelily OP t1_j80fhcz wrote



Low_Tourist t1_j882ur0 wrote

Steve Pokin's column "Answer Man" is especially worth reading. Sometimes it's silly like "why is there always a car parked at the high school?" - It was the drivers ed car. But a lot of the time it's more interesting tidbits and history of the area.


my_monkeys_fly t1_j83utnq wrote

For dog walking , be sure to check out lost hill park and valley watermill park. They are often ignored local treasures that have not been ruined


BrainElectrical995 t1_j812bhb wrote

Where are you coming from? What kind of settings do you like to walk the dog in?


Capelily OP t1_j8195iq wrote

I'll be coming from eastern Massachusetts. It's going to be a huge change for me!

I walk my dog mostly at a cranberry bog nearby. We also love the woods.


BrainElectrical995 t1_j81bknw wrote

Wow, yes, a huge change that will take a lot of getting used to! Honestly, as someone who has lived with dogs in springfield and elsewhere, (and as an urban planner), I find the dog walking to be of relatively low quality within the city— it’s extremely car dependent with a lot of noise and poor pedestrian infrastructure. There are greenways, but they’re pretty boring in general and not practical to make a loop out of. There is a nice watershed park north of the city called Valley Water Mill which makes for a lovely little hike around a lake in woods, and as far as neighborhoods go Rountree as another person mentioned and Phelps Grove are great quiet places with good side walks.


Capelily OP t1_j81chaf wrote

Thank you! Looking forward to the change. Luckily my son lives in Springfield so he'll help me navigate until I get my bearings.


worms_in_the_dirt t1_j8409dv wrote

We don’t claim this person. We have our own failing policies especially with homelessness. But the people here are trying our best to be heard and we have lots of rallies and people who try to make our community better than how they came to it. You’ll fit right in cause we’ve got a little bit of everyone here, welcome!


Capelily OP t1_j841rwt wrote

Thank you! I'm old enough to understand that there is good and bad in any community... This isn't my first "big move." I appreciate your hopefulness!


mangogetter t1_j8483fu wrote

If it's in your price range, which coming from the East it probably is, look for a house in Rountree, Phelps Grove, or University Heights. Great trees, neat old houses, and the bluest neighborhoods for a 200 miles in any direction.


22TopShelf22 t1_j82p5hx wrote

Remember why you're leaving Massachusetts. Don't bring those failed policies with you to our state.


AlwaysPaddle t1_j83w6jv wrote

There are lots of "fixer uppers" and lots of trails to take dogs. Personally I like a spot down at RoundTree Public Access:

There are lots of great places to eat, I have lots of favorites depending on types and mood. But, that's a whole other sub. Just dont fall victim of the "Springfield Cashew Chicken" hype. When I moved there people raved about it. I tried a number of places, just to be constantly let down. I warn because every time I tried a place, I was told... oh, you should try it here... or over there. 20 places and lots of dollars later I came to the conclusion that I dont like breaded chicken with Cashew-butter poured on top. (Opinion)

Depending on where your moving from, of course.


worms_in_the_dirt t1_j840giy wrote

Rutledge Wilson Farm is one of my more favorite places to take pups, just be mindful that there are animals! Don’t want any accidents :)


iced-macchiato t1_j85tiue wrote

Midtown and Weller are full of wonderful “fixer uppers” and since the neighborhood isn’t as “desirable”, they have wonderful deals. The neighborhoods are also very walkable.


[deleted] t1_j823iiq wrote



worms_in_the_dirt t1_j840t73 wrote

Not to mention all the damage they’re constantly undoing from putting restaurants and such where people wait in line in the main traffic for. I think the signs are hilarious about not parking yourself in the street because of course we’d need that.


00112358132135 t1_j82pt29 wrote

Avoid shopping at Price Cutter. Go to Hy-Vee for produce and Walmart for stuff. Try to avoid eating out anywhere on the north end. In fact, avoid north side as much as you can.


ArtisticTomatillo106 t1_j82ugpy wrote

Live outside of city limits. I tried living in Springfield f*** that. I live outside of a city limits and honestly I would never go back


SeaCardiologist9666 t1_j854wrw wrote

From MA also, take a deep breath of NE air before you leave. Nothing smells like "home". You'll miss the smells of spring and fall in NE. There will be brands and foods that you won't get down here as well but that cost of living! Huge difference. The area is beautiful. For a city it doesn't feel city-like. Although it has been expanding. You may want to check out (Springfield, MO area), it has different groups that you can join, and meet folks with similar interests. Last I knew there was a program available for those who were looking to buy a home in Springfield available through the city. (It's been awhile since I saw it while scrolling through the Springfield gov pages.. think during 2020). You may want to check with the clerk as they are trying to get fixer uppers rehab'd. Overall the folks are friendly and the area provides a decent amount of urban amenities, with country life easily accessible. *One tip on food here.. ham and beans is not a slice of ham with baked beans on the side, it's like a soup and they call a grinder a sub. And welcome soon to be Springfieldian.


Capelily OP t1_j85a6ss wrote

Thank you so much for your kind words!

I've lived overseas as well, so I understand the "home smell" very well.

I very much appreciate your info on fixer-uppers. I'll reup with Nextdoor and see what's what. Again, thank you!


malevolentk t1_j855ga6 wrote

Hello and soon to be welcome!

Posting a bit more about yourself would be helpful to plug you into groups but based on what you have posted …

We have so many fantastic greenway trails and parks - close hiking and natural places. You will be able to pick a new place every weekend and be busy for months.

If you are into volunteering in your spare time - we have a plethora of local organizations that always need help and it’s a great way to make like minded friends

Springfield is an okay city for the most part - like any town if it’s size there are less desirable areas but if you mind your own business you will be fine even in those. Lots of local events to keep you busy if you are interested.

I would 100% recommend starting at the library - they often have resources on what’s happening around town.


Capelily OP t1_j859vpr wrote

Thank you for your wonderful answer!

I always become a member of the local library; they're such an awesome resource.

I am definitely going to look into volunteering. First, I'll have to get a car and find a place to live--I'm sure my son won't want to house me forever :)


sametimenplace t1_j86fjbb wrote

go to jeff instead of this shithole but good luck on your endeavors