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TurbulentPiccolo9656 t1_j83cwpg wrote

Besides them wanting to replace that bridge there I believe this also has to do with the Jordan Creek supposed to be daylighted. That's going to look real stupid when it rains real heavy, and it floods everything because they didn't keep the creek underground lol.


var23 t1_j84kd0j wrote

You think they might have hired engineers to study such a thing. Maybe?


Cold417 t1_j84l5xs wrote

> That's going to look real stupid when it rains real heavy, and it floods everything because they didn't keep the creek underground lol.

Uh, I'm not sure you understand how waterways work. It's going to be all meadowland, which is meant for periodic flooding.


DaltonTanner1994 t1_j84p58k wrote

Think of it more like the creek on sunset between Kansas expressway and Campbell.