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Ok_Professor2620 t1_j88vonv wrote

And where exactly do you think they disappear to? Disgusting. Shame on you


[deleted] t1_j88y59k wrote



probably_inside t1_j8908ql wrote

This is the most unempathetic thing I have read in a long time


[deleted] t1_j8915gl wrote



CandyBoBandDandy t1_j894wul wrote

Because you have no idea what you're talking about, and you're blaming the homeless for having their stuff burned, instead of the people burning their stuff. Especially since it is supposedly cops and arson is illegal


CandyBoBandDandy t1_j894ngm wrote

What do you do if you're born into homelessness? Did You ever stop to think there might have been kids in this camp? I guess it would be a three year old's responsibility to get out themselves out of homelessness?

Maybe you've grown up homeless, and when you're an adult you can't get a job, because you need an address to get a Job. And you can't get an address without a job, so you're stuck in a catch 22.

Or maybe you lucked out and managed to get a job somehow, but there are no vacant homes you can afford because the price of rent has skyrocketed.

Realistically, it can be nearly impossible to change your situation in these conditions.


[deleted] t1_j89596r wrote



CandyBoBandDandy t1_j896qpr wrote

I am not "making it something its not," these are all hypothetical scenarios to get you thinking. To explain to you that once you are homeless, it's extremely difficult to get out. We don't know who was at the camp.

But since you want to focus on what it is, here is what it is. Cops, illegally commiting arson on poor people.