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Frostyphotog131 t1_j8uef66 wrote

I've got a few of them. Have a large coop and run in the middle of my back yard, which has a privacy fence. I let them out into the yard to graze most days. I'm currently getting about 5 eggs a day.

They are a decent amount of work. If you travel or go out of town you obviously have to have a way to shut their coop at night and make sure they get food and water. During extreme cold, like what we had right before Christmas, I had to bring them into the house or they probably would have froze to death.

They are fun but they also shit everywhere, and are fairly destructive so make sure your enclosure is pretty robust.


SweetSewerRat t1_j8uxh33 wrote

Most people don't realize how much chickens scratch and dig until they have them.

In the summer, they'll dig themselves a hole around half the size of the chicken and hang out there to cool off. Your mulch will not be in your flowerbeds anymore, it'll be everywhere. They help with bugs though which is nice.