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RedheadVirgo73 t1_j92n48y wrote

I moved to Chicago from Springpatch in '97. Couldn't agree with you more. Not only will you find beautiful diversity, but the Mexican food is truly authentic, there isn't any Cashew Chicken within 500 miles, and the Trumpers stay put in their little southern Illinois Trump bubble.


perfectlyniceperson t1_j93ye41 wrote

This is the third comment I’ve seen in this sub mentioning cashew chicken - what’s that about? I’m new here, I don’t know the lore.


RedheadVirgo73 t1_j93z3z1 wrote

This dish is Springfield specific. You won’t find it outside of the SW Missouri, specifically Springfield food bubble.


kirknay t1_j941h1f wrote

Springfield style cashew chicken originated here, and hard af to find elsewhere.


realspongeworthy t1_j9316xg wrote

So you're just on this sub to shit on the place? I'm glad you left.




kirknay t1_j9358ra wrote

If you have a problem with former residents warning away from this hellhole, then vote for people who don't make money off making it worse.