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Aimless78 t1_j99geio wrote

I have an amazing landlord! She owns like 6 houses in town, and she takes good care of them. I wouldn't trade her for the world.


DTaH_Flux t1_j9a57xi wrote

So... you'd rather have a landlord than own your own house? Interesting


tye1984 t1_j9a5zdu wrote

I own my home now. But at 18 that just wasn't going to happen.


DTaH_Flux t1_j9a8vu0 wrote

I mean, the last sentence written is a fairly bold statement for some lady who is profiting massively off of a house she doesn't even live in and bought when it was way below current market value.

Me, personally, I'm trading in a world where my living space is owned by someone else for one that's owned by me. Not going to hype up a landlady just because she's nice.

Never indicated that's what someone should do at 18 nor did I indicate that you always have options even when you're broke.

Edit: I think my favorite part about this whole interaction was none of you had a decent response for me 😂
