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411skcoRefiL t1_j9bu0kk wrote

I'm not fan of this guy but speculating that he's mentally handicapped with no evidence seems inappropriate to me.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9cad39 wrote

No he actually is man. He’s literally mentally handicapped and it is completely apparent when speaking with him. It’s not speculation. It’s a statement of fact to explain more about him and his situation. He isn’t all there.


411skcoRefiL t1_j9glf0s wrote

A speech impediment is not a way to determine if someone is mentally handicapped. He may just have a speech impediment and that's fine. You can't say he literally is something when you also said,

>I hate to speculate but

Attack the guy for the wrongs he hasn't righted not things that you don't know are true.

>It's not speculation

You literally said that it was.