Submitted by ETOH_RN t3_117tbaf in springfieldMO

The tub is large and would be great if it weren’t teeming with bacteria. Cleaning it doesn’t last long since there’s standing water hanging out in the system any time it’s not being used. I’ve seen DIYers do this online. They seal the jet openings/pipes and disconnect the power. I’ve called a few places, but no luck so far. Hoping to find a professional before I consider either doing it myself or forking over the cash to replace it.



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Notchersfireroad t1_j9eqjl8 wrote

I'm a pool guy of 20+ years that's started dabbling in hot tubs since moving to Springfield. I kinda feel like this would be a piece of cake for me. Anyway you could PM me some pics so I can get an idea of what's needed?


KTfl1 t1_j9funkf wrote


ETOH_RN OP t1_j9g58qv wrote

Did this and other things as well. It definitely helped. I’ve gotten it clean several times, but any time you don’t run it for a certain amount of time the sludge comes right back. I don’t want to have to maintain a tub in that way. Even with frequent use the water would be contaminated with days old water. I don’t even really enjoy the jets, and after scrubbing all that seaweed lookin’ stuff so many times I don’t think I could ever be comfortable bathing in it the way it is. Definitely not worth it to me to try and keep it.


kernelpanic789 t1_j9fx6pa wrote

Why not replace the jacuzzi with a nice soaker tub?

I ask because I'm redoing my master bath this spring and this is my plan. Rip and replace. Seems easy enough.


ETOH_RN OP t1_j9g5iuj wrote

So far it seems like it would be cheaper to seal it. I’m open to replacing it though if that doesn’t work out.


kernelpanic789 t1_j9gd3ce wrote

Oh well if you want cheap... Spend $20 and fill the jet holes with 100% silicone. Fast and cheap.