Submitted by chey_chey888 t3_118khwc in springfieldMO

Hello all So my lease is ending at the place I am currently at and I'm needing a new place to stay but my bf and I have some limitations. We have 2 pets (small cat and small dog), he has awful credit (below 500), he has a bad rental history with wooten that we are trying to dispute, and we need it relatively close to our jobs and for relatively cheap as well. Preferably below 850. Does anybody know of any companies or apartment complex on the south side of town that would work with us? We are getting absolutely desperate



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Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9iysu2 wrote

I think southwood properties has some sort of thing where they can take an extra deposit and just call it some sort of made up fee. One final thought - I know you’d both hate to do it this way but, you can always apply and not put him on the lease. Surely you’ll get evicted or something if caught but you did say you’re getting desperate which to me - implies that if you don’t find something soon this may actually turn into an emergency situation for you guys.

Best of luck man I’m so sorry you’re in this horrible situation. Honestly you may not be able to get approved with any of the companies around here and if that’s the case and you can’t find a private owner to rent to you - you may have to move. Literally uproot your whole lives hopefully transfer with work and if not lose your job, probably most of your belongings in the process of an out of state or area move due to cost and it becoming a sudden emergency and worse. It’s a story we’re hearing more and more.

I truly mean that when I say best of luck! Start talking with him now about possibly leaving the area and start making a plan for it (not to do) just in case you can’t work something out. You do NOT want the first time you look into to be when shit hits the fan.

Aside from all that there may be a room for rent or a roommate looking also. You can check Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, and then I think there’s an apps for roommates also. Best wishes. I’m sorry you have to fear over a basic human necessity.


katietonz t1_j9jopab wrote

Second the Eagle management thing. I have a home for rent right now, but it rents for more than your budget. I wish that weren’t the case! Best of luck!


spiderj904 t1_j9jsx5k wrote

Park Place Apartments where I'm at is southwest Springfield. Rent is cheap, my gf and I both have bad credit and got in. We've only been here a few days but everyone has been super nice to us and while the place is run down can't beat the price.


djdbwbwjjrjdjnd t1_j9kq4ku wrote

My brother and his roommate used to live there. It's not the nicest, but it will do the trick. I've been outside in that area at night quite a bit and have never felt endangered or uncomfortable.