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ProgressMom68 t1_j9wuixm wrote

So…what did Mohammedkhani actually say? I find it odd that the article kind of dances around what it is she did. I don’t doubt it was viciously racist, because look who we’re talking about. But I’d like to know what she actually said and did. It sounds like she called Ms. Rover a liar. Also, what was she doing there? Why did she choose that specific breakout session? Somehow she’s decided it’s her job to police everything having to do with diversity, equity, and inclusion in Springfield?


bobone77 t1_j9x7iia wrote

I’m 100% certain she attended this meeting with the express purpose of “uncovering CRT” and flipped her shit the first time anything racial was talked about. She’s absolute fucking trash.


MountainTomato9292 t1_j9yyru6 wrote

In the article, it says that the kids were doing an exercise where they closed their eyes, and anyone who had experienced racial trauma was asked to raise their hand. She interrupted in the moment commenting that it was only “part of the room,” and the students started looking around irritated, saying things like “what does it matter if it was only 10 people, I raised my hand”. I’m not commenting on the veracity of any of this, just telling you what the article itself said.